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Big Dogg

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Posts posted by Big Dogg

  1. I had a bad exp. there too - on a weekend tho!! I went there years ago to hit that steep slope and get what little powder was left on it due to the northern aspect of it. I could see from the bottom that that top lift was running. After buying a lift ticket and arriving at the top lift, I found out that you weren't allowed to take your board or skis up. It was only for gapers to go up and enjoy the view. Kijimadaira has been black-listed ever since!

    Go for the paraskiing, the soft groomers, or the onsen, not for the steep run!

  2. I have been wondering about it because recently many resorts have put up posters everywhere about "transcievers" (i guess that means two way radios?) using frs/gmrs frequencies being illegal. Like mentioned above, if they have that japan post-looking mark on them, then they are legal. Otherwise they are illegal and you could get a fine of up to a million yen and serve up to a year in prison. This is what I have gathered from translating the Japanese. Can't remember if there was an English version or not. I'd like to know in case they are serious about cracking down on this pretty important piece of gear!


    Does anyone have any first hand experience getting warned or harrassed by anyone at a resort?

  3. I got it snowdude! - But...it seems some people don't like it when you say negative things (maybe yourself included). Perhaps pessimism about snow conditions could also fit into that category.

    Anyways, rather than a lie, how about a little white lie (get it?)?


    For example, if say, when you were young and your grandmother was going to die. Your mother wouldn't come to you and say "Now little Billy, grammy is sick...and she's going to die a horrible violent death" No! It'd be more like "Grammy's sick and soon she'll be in a better place." or something lighter to that effect. You really need to take it easy on us here. Some of us are pretty sensitive concerning our POW!

  4. I second what skidaisuki said. People are getting pretty hyped for the upcoming season - myself included.


    snowdude - I'm sure some people appreciate your 65% accurate predictions but I think there's something to be said for what your mom used to say: If you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all. People are getting excited, we don't want the pessimism. We'd all be happier being lied to for sure. Please update your forecast and tell us all how great the season is gonna be. Bring the POW!... or at least promises of...

  5. Hey guys

    It doesn't look like this topic was going anywhere BUT if you're interested in learning a little about splitboards. I just posted some videos on youtube. just go to the youtube page, then search for "gaperann" (my username). The videos are Splitboard 1, 2, and 3. Watch them in order. Only like 60 seconds each - basically showing how easy it is to use.


    I made it to advertise the board I'm selling. Please see the "Classifieds (Gear)" forum and look under "1. Burton Split Board AND 2. Surf board FOR SALE!!!!"

  6. For anyone interested in the Tsugaike report that SLOW posted:

    Police are still investigating the incident, so there is no official report. From Tsugaike Resort: patrol always confirms that each course is safe before opening the lifts every day. (There is no mention of closed courses or dealing with areas around courses within the resort that might affect the courses set to be open.) Courses deemed to be in danger of avalanches will be closed off by a "????"(Do not enter) sign, not an avalanche warning sign (though I still maintain that some resorts unnecessarily use the latter). They go on to say that they will take preventitive measures so that this will not happen again. And that they maintain a "protect yourself" attitude, perhaps meaning that you are responsible for your own actions rather than being policed by patrol.

  7. one good case in point is that south facing bowl in Goryu. People will go there if the snow is good and that bowl has some really gnarly slides. I have seen the rubble after a big one - it was huge - 100's of meters long at the bottom. It wouldn't take patrol that much effort to go and set that one off on danger days, God knows they have enough patrol at Goryu/47.

  8. I read the Hakuba Now report as well. It isn't wrong to say "if the sign says there is an avalanche danger they mean it and you should stay out." This is generally good advice...BUT that sign seems to be the standard sign at many resorts and in places where there isn't an avalanche danger. Instead of just posting a "closed" sign, they post a "closed - avalanche danger" sign for courses the patrol hasn't bothered to open for various reasons. Anyhow, if you see this sign SO many times on courses that seem safe and people are poaching it, then the result is a tendency toward ignoring these signs. Perhaps leading to situations like at Tsugaike.

    This was the case where I was riding yesterday - everyone and their mother was poaching this one run and the patrol didn't seem to care. It WAS safe. What will those people think when faced with a similar situation at another resort?

    I don't want to put the blame on anyone but I would like to see patrol in Japan take a more active role. Instead of just saying "Don't go off course", it would be nice if patrol took actual avalanche precautionary measures in-bounds and out. Patrol should use dynamite and be on the mountain early stomping out cornices and such. Is this too much to ask?

  9. Just a quick comment about the inbound slides. They DO happen but it would be more likely at a resort that has some steeps (not too many in Japan). Is 38 degrees the correct angle?


    Also quatro mentioned a slide at Squaw Valley in Tahoe. Well, I used to ride at a nearby resort (Sierra at Tahoe). I checked the reports. They reported 93 inches in the last 7 days - that's over 200cm! Squaw's report was similar. Those are pretty unusual circumstances.

  10. Hey guys


    I was just doing a search for coupons/discount lift tickets online. Didn't have much luck today. But, I know there are many sites for this - most, if not all, in Japanese. In my experience the standard is just a coupon that you can just print off in any color/form and take it to the ticket window at that resort. I had a friend help me last year. You can save a little money - 1000 yen or so... or get a free lunch or onsen.


    But, I was thinking this is something that SnowJapan should have a good collection of. Just about everything else is here. Just my opinion.

    Anyways, does anyone have any good sites to recommend for coupons?

  11. I would disagree that you wont be able to find a good releasable binding. New binding systems come out each year. The one I have for the splitboard (assuming the hardware works smoothly) should release with a pull of a string. This hasn't been tested while buried in an avalanche - but I'll get back to you on that one.


    ON the other hand, I would agree with Kumapix that you're probably not gonna have much use for (hopefully) that quick release function so much. And if there is something like an airbag to keep you afloat - sounds like that would be the more appropriate safety precaution for the job. But then again - this is getting too high-tech for any split second decisions, while you're getting overcome by an avalanche. Time might be better spent getting out of the way or yelling 'OH SH#T!'

  12. SerreChe

    To answer your question: I pulled my friend out of the tree well on the west coast (Colorado, Utah or Tahoe). Might not have been that big of a deal. I didn't wait to find out.


    As far as Burton intentionally making those bindings as a safety mechanism, I couldn't say. It's more for easy transition from board to skis. There are other companies that sell splitboards, so there might be something out there. The Voile split kit hardware (for the do-it-yourselfer) might work in a similar way to the Burton - I don't know. But if you got the Burton splitboard bindings, I think that you could just attach them to a regular board and have the option of a quick release binding, plus some added weight.

  13. SerreChe

    I'd agree that just not riding alone would be a good solution (I pulled my upside down friend out of a tree well). The unfortunate truth for people who really like POW is that you end up riding by yourself (No Friends Day) - unless of course your really don't like POW (or are blessed with friends your level). Make a lot of friends!


    I just got a Burton SPLITBOARD. there is a release cord for both bindings. This means you disconnect from the board easily even with gloves on - but you will still be wearing your bindings and the hardware that connects you to the board. This is probably a good solution - though I haven't tested it yet.

  14. I think, as was mentioned about Nozawa, it depends on location. I have had beers and seen others drinking on occasion. What has shocked me though, is that I have seen just about every rule concerning onsen etiquette broken by Japanese themselves. So, I wouldn't sweat it. If someone sees you with a beer, they are probably also wondering if it's legit or not OR just thinking that you had a good idea!

  15. This is a BIG question for sure. For me, I try to make a habit of stretching regulary, ride with a camelback (hydration is key), keep rice balls and gummi's in my pockets (cuz I don't stop for lunch if there's snow worth riding til after 4), and finally MUSIC (I have an old Creative mp3 player).

    I only like riding powder and trees. If you start making lazy turns, there are serious consequences. But, I find upbeat music keeps me energetic and moving my body, resulting in less mistakes. Also, it depends on who you ride with. When I ride with lazy friends, i get lazy...energetic friends can take the place of music for me.

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