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Posts posted by Mac46

  1. As usual great pics ILoveZao.....do you have any of the slide on Yokokura Kabe? for people who are thinking of visiting, it looks as if the wall/yokokura kabe will stay closed for the rest of the season....a great pity for those who enjoy skiing Zao's most challenging slope. a crack appeared across the entire slope around Jan 12th and patrol decided to close it as it started to slide and exposed some rocks

  2. 'monsters' are getting there....plenty of snow in the last few days....had to clear a lot of snow off my car in the carpark in ILoveZao's excellent pics....and as of yesterday it was still free! The slopes were empty for a holiday weekend.....some criticism from Tohoku people about Zao's expensive lift tickets, so people are choosing to ski elsewhere.....there can be a difference of ¥1,000 on a day ticket if one purchases earlybird.

  3. Thanks for that ILoveZao. I used to park on Sogo Ground(cross-country area) but often the lift to Ryuzan was not operating.I remember when most parking in Zao was free and there was a lot of nightlife....then the bubble burst. I'll be there with my ski club this weekend and after a crate of beer, several 1.8l bottles of sake will be drunk and then someone will produce a bottle of bourbon or brandy to round off the night......but a few diehards will venture out to one of the small bars near Kawarayu to have a few final 'atsukan'. It's just a different kind of nightlife.

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