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Posts posted by XilR8

  1. Hard drives don't have OS compatibility issues. They are a blank space waiting to be written on, so once you format them, they are fine with whatever OS you used to do the task. Don't worry about compatibility, look at size, reliability, speed and price.

  2. I'm from Britain, where unless you have a fair bit of money, neither snowboarding nor surfing are the most common activities. I started snowboarding when I came to Japan a few years ago. This summer, I've been thinking of stepping up from my bodyboard to a surfboard. My question is, how similar are snowboarding and surfing? And will my ability in one help my ability in the other?

  3. I just had the luck to enjoy some Hakuba "Alpen" (aka Happo) thanks to SJ too. Shame about the current conditions though. I'm guessing you hiked up, Tearer?


    On Monday it was so warm, even at the summit of Happo it was pissing it down with rain all day. The only good thing about this was that I turned up at noon, and everyone who had been out since morning was going home because they were soaked to the skin. But the conditions were seriously spring-like.


    Stayed with Mitch at Snowbeds on Monday night, same as you, went out for a few drinks at the White Horse, watched some Ski Porn and talked about fat chicks, then crashed out. Nice to meet some people I have read/heard about on SnowJapan. Thanks guys!


    On Tuesday I used my day pass. Fortunately it had got cold, but the previous day's rain had frozen and all the courses were rock solid ice, which made for some seriously fast, but pretty scary, runs early on. After wiping out once and seriously bruising myself I almost considered packing it in, but later on it started to snow and the sun came out (at the same time!), and as things softened up a little bit it ended up being pretty good fun. Anyway, my carving has become a million times better! In the afternoon, things got so soft that the snow was like one of those crushed ice drinks. I spent a while trying ridiculous jump tricks of the top of moguls, as it was so soft to land that it really didnt matter how you fell, but called it a day around 2.30, hit the onsen, then headed back to Tokyo.


    Thanks to SJ for the pass and the Hakuba crew for being a top bunch! See you next season!

  4. THe construction companies keep up Japan's artificially high employment figures (let's face it, this country is structurally ****ed, and if you fired all the useless employees, they'd have one of the worst unemployment rates in the world), and in return, the government butters them up by awarding them over-expensive and ultimately unnecessary public works projects. Corruption Japan-style.

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