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Posts posted by soubriquet

  1. So? He gets a 25 second penalty for being a) slower, and B) behind the car in front.


    Big advantage.


    This it shite. A billion dollar "sport" ruled by amateurs and fascist sadists. I used to love F1, but now I'm totally alienated by the greed and arrogance.

  2. Basically you need a letter from your institution. Some of this stuff is time dependent, and will expire after a year. ER Mapper and some maths software did that to me.


    Open Office is very good if you want to avoid Microsoft Office, and its free. Neither can handle objects as well as my creaking 1999 version of WordPerfect. Grrrrr :mad:


    Alternatively, take a holiday in Indonesia or Thailand....

  3. Nice one SG. How big were those sharks? I always like to give 2 metre-long things plenty of personal space, especially when they have teeth and/or barbs.


    Stating the bleeding obvious, it's a different world. I love flying through 3-dimensions.

  4. I only worked from 8am to 10pm. The rest of the time I was slacking.


    As an undergrad I migrated from longhand to a typewiter. The University Computer was kept in a concrete bunker, and serviced by acolytes in white coats. Jobs were submitted overnight on punchcards. "Did not compile". It could take a week to get the simplessed job to run.


    Reading was high-tech. That's here I learned to use the BBC.


    At Cretin, I had my own PC. The interweb thingy came soon after. It was called AARNET in those days. Oh joy, you could print without having to take a floppy to the printroom. DOS 3.2!

  5. Truck driving is a challenge. Compared with driving a car, they are under-powered and under-braked.


    I abhor the modern practice of slip-streaming the truck in front. Spending ten hours per day looking at the back of a container a metre in front is no different from working on the production line, packing chickens. I can rope and sheet. That's a skill.


    There are two tricks. No1 is "making progress". That means using the gearbox to keep the rev-counter in the correct part of the dial.


    No2 trick is to get your braking in early. You can't do this if you are up another truck's chuff. I learned this lesson on Day 1. In Kent I went too fast over the brow of a hill. Changing down did nothing as the David Brown shitbox jumped out of gear, and the brakes cooked themselves to nothing. I was steering a runaway. Fortunately the road went straight down and straight up the other side. There but for the Grace of God go I...

  6. Re diet: it's a short by happy life. Nothing like a cuppa and a bacon sarnie at 5 am. There was was an ace transport caff on Clapham common in the day. Heart attack in one sandwich.


    One of my fellow drivers was so fat, all his shirts were holed where his belly rubbed against the steering wheel.

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