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Posts posted by chaotic

  1. so ive been all complacent and just tried to book in at adamo hotel in akakura - but of course they are full cos its a long w/e. ive tried places on snowjapan but they r either 2 expensive (over 5000 a nite) or full. we dont care where we go as have only boarded at akakura - but i figure that any where further south will have dodgy snow conditions that late in the season.

    short of building an igloo i dont know what to do! any suggestions from u lovely people?...

  2. Have u hit on anyone? in the lift queue..over curry/rice..purposefully had a collision with them..?

    What chatup lines would work on u?

    Did you meet the man or woman of yr dreams on the slopes?

    Just curious, there are lots of attractive men out there, but I've gazed from afar rather than approaching them. Weird cos if I was in a bar I wouldn't think twice about it.

  3. cheers 4 all advice - watch out for kamikazee jumper!

    oyuki k - what u said totally makes sense, however havin bypassed skateboarding i never really attempted an ollie. i know it involves leanin yr weight towards back of board - oh b*ll*cks, i cant lie, i've no idea how to do it!

    if you can give the `special` girl here a quick lesson on how ollie i wld really apprec. it (and might save some broken bones)


  4. Morning! Planning trip to Niigata long w/e in March - seeking good intermediate runs (will b boarding), no moguls and the chance to practice jumps - im a virgin jumper so something easy to start. Already been to Akakura but want to try out somewhere new - can u get an all resort pass for that area? I know there are other resorts around Akakura but I'm not sure how easy it is to get around without having a car/Also if you know any good places to stay that'd be sweet. Cheers.

  5. Thanks! I know realistically i dont want to stay more than 6 months, just long enough to get cash together and have lots of snowaction, but i feel shit about just bailing on a contract. How's that work in Japan? Are your colleagues still uber polite to you despite you obvious lack of team spirit?


    I'm looking for some recommendations of places, right now my closest slopes are nagano, but thats 7 hrs away. Nice city/big town close to the mountains? Does it exist? How about Sapporo? Also, any good companies to work for would be helpful - I'm on jet so out of the loop. cheers!

  6. This is kinda snow related - my teaching contract finishes at the start of August, I want to go to S.America but I still have a few debts hanging over me which means I'd have to live with the parents for a couple of months at home (the asshole of nowhere) to save more cash. However, by the time I escape to S.A. I will have missed their winter. Before I didnt think this was a problem but now I'm realising I might get withdrawal! I was thinking about moving up to Hokkaido for 6 months, trying to find work with a private english school and still being able to get my snowfix. Does anyone live in Hokkaido? Sapporo? Would it be possible to find a job for 6mths max (shorter would be preferable) Had way too much fun the past couple of years and just havent been hoarding enough cash. Advice/words of wisdom/job offers/money making schemes/donations all welcome wave.gif

  7. Morning! Having just spent half my w/e on the train/bus getting to the slopes I've decided that I really need to live within walking distance. Since I will be leaving Japan before next season I'm hoping to do this in South America. Does anyone know the place for shithot snow & apres ski? I'm looking to work at a resort or teach English, not expecting big money, just board/chill out & most importantly no 5hr hellish train journeys. If you've done this before or can point me in the right direction it would be awesome. Cheers!

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