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yoroshiku onegai shimasu

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Posts posted by yoroshiku onegai shimasu

  1. I got me a good buddy who is the kind of guy who kicks up a fuss at the earliest possible moment, feels the whole world is against him and he's on some kind of crusade against everything/everyone. It is always interesting when I'm with him to see how he gets treated Japanese around him. He almosts invites people to treat him with suspicion with his attitude.


    Sure, there will be cases where you'll get screwed over - as everywhere - but I'm sure attitude has a hell of a lot to do with how you are treated, especially in our situation in here in Japan.

  2. I've noticed recently I seem to (increasingly) play along with the Japanese way of communicating, most specifically saying "sumimasen" and "yoroshiku" and "moshiwake nai" even if I don't really FEEL those things and don't want to say them. Whether thats a good or bad thing, I'm not sure.


    Not saying them would not be good for some of the relationships I have. Saying them doesn't make me feel too good if I think about it in English, so I just try to block that out and go along with the Japanese style.


    What about you?

  3. lol.gif


    Men expect women to have perfect bodies - even though they don't themselves.


    Almost two-thirds of men questioned in a survey said women should look after their appearance.


    But when the question was asked of themselves, fewer than half thought it was important.


    Firm breasts are most highly rated feature of a women's body among men, the survey by the diet and fitness website DailyDietTracker.co.uk found.


    Some 68% of the men surveyed said it was an important physical trait for a woman, followed by 65% who said a flat stomach, and 57% "cellulite free thighs".


    Before men get blamed for wanting Barbie doll looks from their women, it seems females expect even more of themselves.


    An overwhelming 92% of the women questioned said having a good body was important.


    Women most want a flat stomach, followed by firm breasts.


    A toned torso was also the body feature men most wanted for themselves, with 80% of those questioned classing it as important.


    A typical woman would most like her man to have a toned torso and then a "firm bum", according to the survey.



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