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Posts posted by stepchild

  1. i think david benedek just broke the 4second barrier on his snowboard on a specially designed uber-booter. bleeding long time if you think about it. Mads Jonsson's frontside 360 on the longest kicker in the world (think it was last season) must be a fair bit of air! he went on to break his hand doing a bs 7. nutter.

  2. le spud. man, i hear you, i hear you, but the wicked thing about snowboarding is how so many people have their own styles. my riding buddies and i used to be able to spot each other so easily on busy days just by the way we rode. that's a good thing i think. we should all be carving up the hill in our own way. sure, you can be more efficient in your style, more compact, more aesthetically pleasing, but you should be riding however you want. i remember watching the trainee instructors in whistler cruising the hill, all with really similar posture, stance etc. they all looked solid, but all the same. it's cool seeing people ripping it up in their own way. stood up, bow-legged, duck, crouched, whatever. try all the angles and stances, see what works for you and hit it up.


    so basically, i'd like to believe that there is no optimum set-up & stance combination. just rock it.

  3. i rock Drake bindings. my first pair were F60's. they did me proud. then i got some F70's which i painted black, i was young, they were sweet. i snapped them both on a monster kicker, landing on the knuckle. however, i'd adjusted them loads and i think that's why they snapped (on the baseplate). needless to say i whipped off a moany letter to Drake who promptly sent me a pair of the following season's Matrix. they are slightly heavier than friends' Burtons that i've ridden but i love them like siblings. they also don't have capstraps yet, i think. but them's good. not too popular here in japan, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.


    one thing i would say, when choosing bindings take your boots along. when i was buying my F70's it was a toss-up between them and Burton Missions. the Missions looked sweet but my boots felt really strange when strapped in and cranked up. the Drakes felt like nuzzling up to a bosom. and the Matrix's do too. nice.


    ps - don't buy anything endorsed by Marc-Frank Montoya. he's a prize pillock.


    i reckon modern Burton and Ride bindings look the dog's danglers. don't know much about Flux but i see loads of them here and lots of my japanese buddies swear by them.


    good luck!

  4. i reckon you`re always going to have to make compromises when you move your bindings. more duck makes mach-9-ing a little harder, powder shredding a little less natural etc. less duck or both bindings pointing forward can alleviate these problems but make switch riding, especially switch spins pretty hard.


    having said that, terje rides with both bindings well forward, or at least he did for a long time, and he`s the don in any scenario. same goes for loads of good riders.


    i`m more duck than i ever have been this season. plus 18 and minus 15. the gains in the park and in my switch tree and pow riding far outweigh any losses i`ve experienced when really gunning it in my natural stance.


    it all depends on what kind of rider you are, how your body posture is, what you like doing. i love switch runs and switch hits, i also skate a lot. my style of riding really suits my stance, in pow, trees, the park and on the piste. i am more comfortable at the moment than ever, and my riding is the strongest it`s ever been in any aspect of shredding.


    it`s different for everybody, you`ve just got to try all of the options out and see what works for you. styles are different.

  5. two of my japanese mates are sponsored by flow and love them. their only problems with them are that they`re heavier than strap bindings. they are, however, locked, loaded and heading down the hill way, way quicker than me. furthermore, check out how well the flow international team are doing these days. they seem to win a lot.


    personally i wouldn`t ride flows, although i`d like to give them a try. ditto what everyone else has said, they look less reliable, heavier and less solid performance-wise (esp edge to edge response) than conventional bindings. and i`ve also heard a few scare-stories of flows undoing themselves mid-run. (having said that, the other day i missed my grab on a pretty nice air off a hip, twatted my large-strap clicker with my grabbing hand, loosened it completely and had to land virtually one-footed. not recommended).


    burton seem to be setting the standard these days. nearly everyone i know who shreds hard has burtons.


    also, i don`t know much about flows, but can you adjust how tight they are really quickly? it`s a real psychological benefit for me to crank my bindings as i`m about to hit the run-in to a big kicker. and it`s nice to ease them off slightly when i`m just cruising or sitting on the chair.

  6. ooooh, i rode tenjin on the opening day. only 2000 yen to ride as it was the snow festival. holy lord, there was loads of pow up there, and hardly anyone shredding. we rode for about 6 hours, stopping only once to eat free mochi and konyaku. it was the best first day of the season that i`ve ever had. face shots, natural hits a-plenty and lashings of powder slashes!! epic day!!!

  7. lots of japanese resorts don't seem to have 'singles' lines at the lifts. i find that pretty frustrating. they ought to be present at every lift and their use encouraged.

    and i also see a lot of half-full lifts going up even when there are heavy queues. that annoys me too. it really doesn't matter if you can't talk to your mate for the 5 minute lift-ride does it??..and you might meet a new friend too!!!


    i'd rather wait a little longer than have a busy run. i hate those runs when you get snaked on every hit or rail....

  8. i have known people who have been caned throughout heavy snowboard sessions, skate sessions, hikes, football matches, university exams, astrophysics masters courses and alsorts.and they've done well. for some people it really doesn't seem to affect them to do things 'high'. they can operate like any other normally-functioning individual after a few zoots.

    it hits everyone differently. me, the only drug i indulge in is alcohol, and that's always after the last air, slide or carve. one beer and i'm all over the shop. i never shred or skate after drinking.

    but each to their own.

    be careful in italy though, you can now get breathalised, on the piste, if you are involved in a bad accident....


    i personally think that anyone who is out shralping whilst inebriated or 'mashed out of their box' is extremely selfish, inconsiderate and, frankly, dangerous. unless they are in a situation where they can only damage themselves.


    i agree with the general consensus on this post. snowboarding and skiing rock enough without having to enhance the experience with tweed or ale. save it until afterwards...


    i also used to meet sooooooo many people in whistler who smoked before/whilst riding. it definitely seemed to be part of the lifestyle out there. '4:20 duuuuuude!!!!'.


    not for me.

    grab method.

  9. mate, i kind of know the noboard guys, they are sending me some out pretty soon in the hope that i can show them to as many people in japan as possible. if you are keen i could, hopefully, lend you one for a bit. they are basically powder snowskates with a leash. if you go on their website you will see the boys doing some nice drops and carves, even a few 180's in pow. they're meant to be sweet to ride. i think it´s www.noboard.ca

  10. i know somewhere out there there's a day pass for Arai sitting on someone's shelf and it's not going to get used all season. so, if you won one and aren't likely to use it then i am going to use it, definitely, and i'm poor. so why not give it to me. please. waste not, want not. as me mother used to say.

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