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Posts posted by Double-D-Licious

  1. Why is it that forums are so one sided? If the right thing isn't said, BANG, gone...Is this what it's all about? Offense is only taken when you're the victim. This isn't physical combat so only feeling are vulnerable. I believe the first test of a great man is in his humility. But who knows if this will reach your eyes...I say,"HARDEN UP!!", ye jellyfish of calm waters! \:D

  2. Hey hey, merry pop a cherry! Yes, I was simply wrong to waste my time with such a complex matter that I knew nothing about. Me VS U, the head patroller in the office and half of the other patrollers. That's a hefty bout! Clarify with me! If the guy (who's a not their friend) punched you in the head and you didn't take appropriate action considering you were not at fault, why r u still pettyfogging, a ha, unresolved phenomenon. U were being disrespectful, and u were only breaking the rules, breaking the law (assault) is more serious, and one wrong doesn't make a right. \:D

  3. So, who's heading the man hunt? We know what the person was wearing at the time. What else??? Come on people! Do you realy care and if so, what are you doing about it? Helping the police or getting in your piece of paragraph fame? Well, I hope those who are serious about this matter, take time to visit the little boy or stop the nonsence and do something when you see it instead of looking for bragging rights. Time wasters! But I too, waste time and I accept my faults. Lets hold hands virtually and embrace our imperfections. \:D

  4. As for db....The intellect that wrote his way out of an empty box. Revolted by the inadequacy of general opinion. There is no weight to any matter unless you invite it or react. I know your still reading and wondering if you chose the right path to blow out the candle. Instead, you chose the wrong pathetic to blow off the poor efforts. But I gotta lotta love for everyone!!!!Even you db...! \:D

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