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Posts posted by CmWebb

  1. I'd like to try some other peaks as so far it's the only one I've done. I've gone up it about four times this year so I am definatley in need of variety if anyone knows of some other good ones.


    As for Norikura, its past Matsumoto next to kamikochi. There are two ways of getting there as far as I know. Either from the Kiso valley and follow the signs to Kamikochi until you see the turn of for Norikura or from Mtsumoto and follow the signs from Kamikochi again.



  2. Hi, I am doing a bike trip in SE Asia this summer and was hoping to go to a travel clinic before to get all my shots and perhaps some anti-malaria pills before I go. Does anyone happen to know of any. The closest large cities I am to is Nagoya or Tokyo. I have already gone to the local hospital for my hep A-B shots but they don't seem to know much about the rest.


    Thanks ahead for any advice.



  3. He Snowmonster,


    Well a budget is somthing which I really have to start thinking about more. But basically I am putting aside about 450 0000 yen for the trip. The biggest expense will be the plan tickets. For me that means a one way to India or Nepal and then a one way to Ottawa, Canada. I have flown from China and Japan to Canada before for about 70 000 yen (one way ticket)So I am hoping to get both tickets for about 160 000 yen. Of course I am hoping for cheaper. My next biggest expense will be stuff for my bike:saddle bags, racks, spare parts etc, a few up grades etc. I am going to shop around and buy as much second hand stuff as poss so hopefully it will all run me 50 000 yen or less. The rest is for food and accomodation though I am planning on bringing a tent. Whether I will have enough for four months I am not really sure yet but that is the idea. I have traveled in China and Morocco and your money really stretches much further in those countries. If anyone has experience riding in Asia I'd love

    to hear from you.



  4. Hi, well this isn't really a topic but...I am planning on doing a bike trip starting next may from Calcutta up to Katmandu and then spend the rest of the time touring in Nepal and in Northern India for about four months total. If anyone is interested in doing the trip with me, part or all just drop me a line.




    P.S. I am a fairly strong rider but I am definately into taking my time. Currently I am living in Nagano.

  5. Sorry one more post. I forgot about my most glamorous moment in the cold. The Canadain ski marathon. It is a two day race and you have to caryy all of your stuff on your back. It was -27 at night sleeping under the stars in just a sleeping bag. Frozen boots in the morning. After a day of eating mostly hot soup and granola my intestines weren`t doing so well. I had a major accident in the outhouse. Let me tell you when it is in the -20s shit freezes instantly. For eight hours I had to ski with it frozen all ofver my gloves. Thank god I was able to wipe it off my back.



  6. Call me a panzy but I really love the hanami season. Sure its just an excuse to get drunk but what's wrong with that. Especially coming from Canada where it is forbiden to drink in most public places (I'm not talking about bars)it is very refreshing. There is something about walking through a park filled with different generations getting wasted together. And it is always a lot of fun when you get invited to sit with them. In fact it is probably one of the only times when it is easy to get to know lots of different people. So what if they don't remember you the next day. They don't remember that they were there either.


    So for all you winers out there grab some bottles of sake and beer and go enjoy yourselves.



  7. The rules are really quite simple. First off it seems to be a male domain. If you are in your twenties you can only wee in public if you are drunk and it is after 9:00. Not if you are in your thirties you still have to be drunk but you can start pissing as early as 6:00. Now if you are in your forties it is best to be drunk but anytime of day is okay. Any older than that and you don't have to be drunk and the middle of the day facing traffic is okay.

  8. Wow! 140000 yen seems like a lot. The shaken on the car shouldn't run you more than 100 000 yen unless there are some repairs that have to be done. If you haven't already settled on a car it is best to find one withe the skaken already on it, even if you have to pay a bit more. I bought my car for 150 0000 yen and it had shaken on it for a year and half (Almost over now). If you look for a car with some scratches on it or maybe a dent in the door you can usually get it pretty cheap. Usually when people shaken there car it is for two years.


    Another thing to consider is the yearly tax. I forget what it is called but it is different than shaken. On a K-car it is about 5000 yen but on a regular car it can be over 30 000 yen. This is one reason why K-cars are so popular in Japan. Mind you they suck for going skiing.



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