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Posts posted by nzlegend

  1. Kind of sucks, I put up with Hutt during all the garbage seasons of the mid to late 90's, then after I come to Japan, only then does Hutt decide to have a couple of the greatest seasons ever..




    while at home last year I picked up the new book called "white gold", awesome read about Mt Hutt from the the beginning. Highly recommended if you know anyone connected with the place or are from Mid Canterbury and know Methven.

  2. when I was a kid at Mt Hutt NZ, there was a steep bowl that my friends and I stopped at and admired, it was too steep for me to ski down and while I was looking I dropped my pole down it. so clever me took off my skiis and tried to crawl/step down to retrieve it, but ended up sliding to the bottom, then tried to climb up but kept sliding back down.....all of this under the triple chair....with dozens off people laughing at me

  3. timeline.jpg


    (It should say Japans Drivers Licence rules are here)


    well I just went to the Nara licence centre with Mrs Kamoshika in tow to translate with the pen pushers. I had my translation, gaijin card, licence, passport, photo the whole shabang....but.....

    It didnt happen why you ask?? well here is why




    you need to have proof you stayed in the country of issue for three months after issue, fine I thought I got my licence in 1991 BUT BUT my current NZ licence doesnt mention that it only has the date of issue of that current version which is Oct 2000, which after I entered Japan in Feb 2000! (I renewed the licence on Holiday while back in NZ)

    so the fickle little worm I delt with said "no good", need proof that I had licence before Oct 2000 because he cant verify it on the current license! unbelievable!!! I held my cool but Mrs Kamoshika was getting little argumentative!

    And the oddest thing of all on the back of the NZ has the date of issue of My heavy Trailer learner licence which is 1994. No good he said again, its only a learner licence and not proof of full drivers licence. How the hell does one hold a learner heavy trailer licence without first holding a car and regular truck licence first???I ask you!

    Luckily I kept a copy of my old original paper licence for posterity and will go back tomorrow and give it too him with a facetious smile.


    argh the joys of Japan



  4.  Quote:
    Both are horrific things to have happened, but it gets to me that American affairs always seem to be more important than other countries, at least in the western world.[/QB]
    thats genrally true,like last year with the coal miners trapped somewhere in the states, every year thousands of Chinese miners die, but you hardly ever hear about it, but the shuttle is something different.....its the stuff of dreams for many people not just Americans. Its the pinnacle achievement possibility for many people. To go to space, break the hold of gravity and venture beyond.....still holds an aura, a certain mystique for many.
    Its like someone has taken away our step to the stars (even if it is a vicarious step for 99.9999% of us).
  5.  Quote:
    Originally posted by amandanism:
    thats really rough... \:\(

    the shuttle was only meant to be used for 10 years or something. built in '73.
    thats terrible news ...R.I.P
    but not entirely true about the shuttle.
    there were 5 built, columbia was only one of them and was on its 28th mission,it was designed for 100
  6. Yeah I saw a few do it at Niseko too, one dizzy woman did near me halfway up the mountain outside a lodge, promptly fell off, and her board scooted towards me, if I had stopped it it would have rocketed away towards the bottom and likely killed someone in the process....


    should be given the kickass.gif

  7. Puddles 11 dribbled here


    "Tomorrow, look for a flash of light has I penetrate the atmosphere over Nozawa Onsen. It should be visible from the top half of the Southern Hemisphere, especially thanks to the ollie tip. With the spring from my enormous 169 board, I should hit terminal velocity within seconds. Set your cameras to automatic shooting, and let's hope your batteries are warm" bsmeter.gif


    Nice one Puddles nice one......

  8. skiing for sure, I do both and there is no way I could keep up with self on skis if my clone was on a board. But its a rare opportunity to really let loose,best time is the very first run of the day and you are the first man on the lift and there is a sweet groomer with no one on it then you can really let rip but be careful, as others have said you can do some serious damage as the speed picks up.

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