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Posts posted by nekobi

  1.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Ocean11:

    they can't be bothered to carry it for 9 months, a small fraction of their lives, and look after it afterwards.
    i know this is an old argument, but really, laws concerning abortion are overwhelmingly written and passed by men. men don't have the chance to become pregnant. they dont have their bodies transformed for 9 uncomfortable months, possibly not to return to their prior state. they don't have to take at a substantial amount of time off from work or school (either college or high school). after the birth, if the child isn't given up for adoption, they don't have to either juggle school/work and the child, for 18 years.
    if the pregnancy was unplanned, there's a chance the woman will raise the child on her own. if men father a child, they have the option to do nothing. the courts will make them write check every month. but for women, having a child completely changes their lives. even if the child is given up for adoption the mother still must deal with the pregnancy and that disruption on their life, not to mention the psychological effects of adoption. therefore, i really don't think men should make legal decisions or judgements about what women chose to do with their bodies and their lives.
  2. i already feel old even though i'm 25. have had flares of arthritis since high school. reason why i had to stop skiing. but it's kinda mysterious bc the docs I've seen don't know why i have it- whether it's juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, a virus, lupus, or spondylarthritis. didn't bother me for a few years so i started snowboarding here. but since last april, it's been coming back. sometimes i have trouble making a fist or straightening my legs and arms. am stiff for a few days then fine for weeks. been to the docs here, got some chinese herbal tea and pills, but dunno if they do anything. i haven't had too many problems boarding, but i just can't push myself too hard. i always have to get lots of sleep and go to onsens. since last night, my right arm has been killing me- my shoulder, elbow, wrist, and the knuckle on my middle finger hurt. strange.

  3. i think yall would change your shower views if you had a hellish one like mine. in the summer its fine, but its freeeeezing in the winter. i sometimes do db's trick of putting the towel in the dryer but the washing machine/dryers in the same room as the shower so i kinda freak out about possible electocution. i got my shower fixed over the summer so i no longer have to cradle the showerhead on my shoulder- it rests on a hook above my head now. but the water pressure is ridiculous and the room is freezing. i try to shower elsewhere whenever possible- at the gym or an onsen or friends' houses. if its impossible for me to shower somewhere besides my apartment, i have to seriously psych myself up to use the shower. i try to go as long as possible before i have to use it- sometimes that means a shower in the evening at the gym one day, none the next, and then one in the morning on the third day. but this happens for work, where i dont give a shit about my appearance. if I'm going out in nagano or being social in some other way, i'll brave the shower. of course, once the weather gets warmer, i shower at least once a day. preferrably in the mornings and again in the evening if i'm going out.

  4. you can actually ski in the white mountains of arizona. i went skiing there once when i was like 10- i remember it was really warm so people were skiing in tshirts and jeans and whatever. i swear i remember one dude in shorts. but the summers arent too hot- it gets pretty cool at night. its also a beautiful area.

  5. an older guy moved in to the apt two doors down from me in the summer. my parking spot is right next to his back yard. if i saw him on the street, i would say konnichiwa or whatever. a couple of months ago on a sunday, he knocked on my door and asked to borrow 100yen. strange, but i gave it to him. he returned it the next day. then a week later, he asked to borrow 500yen. he still hasn't returned it. confused.gif

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