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Posts posted by Goemon

  1. Yeah, I was there, Slow. Agree with your assessment of the sound; it did pick up a bit at the end there, but I still couldn't make out the vocals enough beyond a whiney drone.


    Don't even get me started on the lack of properly staffed beer distribution facilities at that place... mad.gif


    I liked that video-sampling of the drum instruction that DJ Shadow did at the end. cool.gif

  2. Akibun: They had a number of people revolving on and off the stage. I guess it's difficult to re-create their sound live. To my recollection, it was like this:


    Always on Stage:

    Drummer, Bassist, Keyboardist, Guitarist


    On and Off:

    Violinist, Female Singers (total of 3 different?), Male Singers/rappers (total of 3)

  3. For those that went to the Tokyo concert last night: what did you think?


    Personally, I would have preferred more DJ Shadow. Wasn't too impressed with Massive Attack.


    I also think it's a crime that you can't bring your beer with you onto the dancefloor at NK Hall. That place is a real Mickey Mouse operation.

  4. At least some of the shows are fake. A friend of mine was on once and the whole thing was staged.


    The theme was that his stripper girlfriend (who he met the night before the show taped) was going to reveal a secret to him on the show. The secret was supposed to be that she was also a prostitute. They brought out one of her regular customers (in real life, my friend's buddy). Mayhem ensued. He managed to get 5 brawls started on stage, throwing chairs, attacking security staff, etc. Pretty funny stuff.


    But faker than fake.

  5. Yeah, I have the exact same concern, but my understanding is the music is not amplified loud enough to be heard outside of your immediate vicinity (if I can believe the advertising, anyway). Certainly, if everyone had them and was listening to different music, the resulting din would drive everyone mad.


    I'm going to check out the "annoyance" factor before purchasing. I'll let you know how it sounds. Of course, I would not buy it if it's going to infringe on others' enjoyment of the mountain. Not to worry on that front.

  6. SJ Team:


    There was an "SJ cry out" topic going on a while back that suggested giving SJ stickers to forum users so we could identify each other on the slopes. Someone suggested that SJ give away the stickers, but that's obviously a cost constraint on you.


    Why not have a sticker design contest (with the best designs winning lift tix, etc)? Forum users can vote on the entries to choose the winner(s).


    Instead of SJ printing/giving away the stickers (which costs you money) or printing/selling the stickers (which might seem too mercenary), you could post the winning image(s) on the site for members to download and print out themselves. High-quality waterproof super-gloss label/sticker sheets are available at most quality print/copy shops.


    Just an idea...

  7. I just want to add a shout-out of love to PBR, Schlitz, Old Milwaukee, Lone Star Light...all the cheap-ass beers of junior high. They would be considered the "Kings of Crisp Dry Enjoying of Life" if they were introduced here.


    BTW, anyone ever hear of Glacier Bay beer? Also a favorite cheap beer which featured a bottle opener on the bottom of each bottle; nothing beat the feeling of finishing a bottle and then using said bottle to open your next. Also created camaraderie when you opened a friend's bottle with yours ("Here, let me get that for you. Let's beer-ing!"). Sadly, Glacier Bay is no longer with us. \:\(

  8. My assumption is that when someone is referred to as an "expat" it means that person is working for a foreign company in that company's Japan office (as opposed to being a "local hire"). Many expats enjoy certain benefits like a tax equalization program whereby their company pays for their Japan taxes; the company may do that as an incentive to encourage their employees to agree to an assignment in a foreign country.


    Some people are local hires, but manage to negotiate certain expat-esque benefits, like tax equalization.


    But I'm no expert...(blatant disclaimer) :rolleyes:

  9. I don't recall alot of steep runs in the courses and the ones that have any steepness are pretty short. I usually end up spending alot of time crossing the mountain from run to run via the lifts. I can't comment on the off piste runs' steepness 'cause I haven't been there (yet).


    You probably won't be challenged by Kagura, but I like it for its ease of access (from Tokyo) and relaxed feel.

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