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Posts posted by nagpants

  1. Do we really want them? Yey or ney?




    Episodes 7, 8, and 9 In The Works?

    Tue, Oct 21, 03 09:12:37 AM EDT



    As many of you have reported, Dark Horizons posted the following:


    "One of my pals at ILM told me a few days back that another trilogy 'might' happen. This is the sequel trilogy that Lucas said he'd never do. It's very very early days yet, but apparently there is some talk, even to the point of Mr Spielberg - who was interested in doing 'Clones' at one point - stepping in for Lucas, who may want to write, but probably won't want to direct. If Lucas doesn't they'll probably work out a deal for say Frank Darabont to pen (ala the current "Indiana Jones IV" arrangement). This one would be the three films following Return of the Jedi, Han Solo, Skywalker, post-Darth etc. How hard of a time are they going to have on their hands getting some of those original players! ha ha! finally a fitting use for CGI hey? The deal is everyone wants the sequels, except Lucas, who is apparently exhausted [Personally I'd say studio pressure]. If Spielberg directs, it could be ok. Better than those terrible prequel movies".

    Our thoughts? Well, there have been rumors about a sequel trilogy for as long as there's been Star Wars. However, we have yet to hear any rumblings on this. Lucas has also publicly stated that he's done with Star Wars after Episode III. He wants to move on to other projects. Plus, there's no way they're going to be able to get Harrison Ford to play Han Solo again without generous sums of cash and giving him free reign over his character.




    If Dark Horizons says their source is reliable, we're inclined to believe them. Plus it seems crazy to let a multi-million dollar franchise fizzle and die after Episode III. The story still has life in it and can still generate money. Plus there are probably a long line of excellent writers and directors who would love to play in a galaxy far, far away that Lucas wouldn't have to get that involved with. After all, he's allowing the Clone Wars cartoons to play in the universe without him and he seems to be pleased with the results. The same goes with the Star Wars fan films.


    Anyway, don't put too much stock in this rumor yet, but don't flush it away either. After all, Lucas has been known to change his mind...from time to time. (Did Greedo shoot first?!?)

  2. A sad angry subject here, but a good Japanese friend of mine told me last night that she had been raped last week....by a bloke she works with.


    She said they were fairly drunk at a party (at his house, with other people there) but the slobbering pig got her in a room and forced himself on her. She says she fought back as violently as she could, but he'd have none of it - and did the nasty.


    She's really screwed up about it.


    She doesn't have a boyfriend at the moment and she said I was the first person she has told about it - but she's refusing to go to the police or take any action.


    Why in gods name? Do the police here do nothing about rape claims or something mad.gif

  3. Has anyone else seen this tv program on a Sunday lunchtime? It's like public karaoke when people either get a pass or a fail.


    I find it strangely fascinating....seen those people in the background doing their actions together, makes me laugh every time. They look so ridiculous.



  4.  Quote:
    Here is your response - if you don't want to pay to stay in our hotel 1) don't break the rules on the hill (because the ones of you without money are surely more likely to). 2) We don't want you to sleep in your car, but if you do, please don't kill yourself. And 3)BTW in the entire city here we admit there are other places that are more reasonably priced (hey they can afford to do it even if we can't).

    Is there a nice flat section of snow over there in winter where we can pitch a tent ;\)
  5. Anyone else getting annoying telephone sales calls recently?


    There have been quite a few coming in here the last few weeks - "do you want to buy a mansion", "interested in buying shares", etc etc - sometimes as late as 930 in the evening. Very very annoying - and they are SOOOOOO persistant as well.


    This last one basically slammed the phone down on me. I had first of all politely told him that I wasn't interested. But he carried on. Then I told him a second time in a less patient manner. Still carried on spewing sales crap. 3rd time rather annoyed - and he SLAMMED THE PHONE DOWN as if I were the one intruding on his privacy eek.gif eek.gif


    mad.gif mad.gif

  6. I've seen that too actually. It makes you wonder...


    Has anyone else ever been shocked at the frankly disgusting state that some people have their houses in here in Japan? There are some people I know who live in what can only be described as dirty messy homes - I'd be ashamed to invite anyone in myself.

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