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Posts posted by nagpants

  1. It's a worry, for sure.

    Hopefully Abe's Nomics will get on the case with the domes.

    I suspect it's our only hope.


    What's the long term plan for all those tanks? Are they just going to former get more and more of the things?

    I was thinking, if we could create a huge dome, upside down, perhaps the largest in the world, and put all this dirty water in there...then cap it off and add another full dome on the top to create a really massive sphere...and then shoot it off into outer space. That might be something worth considering. We wouldn't need to be worried about all the space that all these tanks are taking up, and if we shoot it off in the direction of enemy aliens it might have the added benefit of getting rid of them too at the same time.


    Obviously there would be some details that need ironing out.


    to cheer myself up.... Sounds doable :lol:

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