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D train

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Posts posted by D train

  1. me again.

    We are talking about a tiny percentage of the people- Aussie dollars , especially those splashed out at bars and restaurants, are pretty vital to the health of this town, and most of the time I just walk around scoping chicks or keeping facebook warm back at the office.

    Most of Paul and my work involves lost items, calling taxis, and showing people places on the map.


    I don`t blame the guys much either- if i was their age, with access to that much piss, and 1 girls for every 20 dudes in the bar, i`d probably be lockstep.


    But saying that, most situations can be handled without even having to raise voices, and its really no worse than any Friday night anywhere in the world where the young folk congregate.


    Niseko still rocks , and if i have to deal with a few punch ups in February so I can ride pow in March, play golf in July and hang out with my friends here year round, I@ll take that trade

    off in a heart beat.

  2. Wow.

    The article is fairly accurate -though probably a bit too revealing- Paul and I got to shooting the shit with the guy as we sat at work having just dealt with some dickheads stealing boards so were in a fairly agitated mood.


    Sadly , all that is talked about in the first part of that article happened a-day 2010. I saw a guy bleed as much as I had ever seen in my life , and then two hours later, I saw a guy bleed more.

    Tonight so far I have had to deal with 1) drunk guy caning himself between Splash and Barumba because he couldnt stand up 2) drunk guy jumping on the Niseko real estate cars and 3) drunk guy wandering around the streets in a t-shirt chasing after J-girls with rapidly purpling skin.


    All three told me, in no uncertain terms, to perform impossible sex acts with myself .


    About to go out and do another patrol. maybe i@ll post back how a typical one goes, if I remember.

  3. there has been nothing yet, I`m afraid. The snow had melted considerably- below the night he got lost for sure- but still nothing. It has sinced snowed again but will probably warm up next week- when the snow cover has receded enough a full scale search will take place covering a much wider area.


    there was rumour floating around that he had been found behind Niseko Pizza but it was untrue.

  4. agreed MikePow- but for me- its the one place that haunts my thoughts ever since ive been there.

    I guess my take on this very subjective question is that I am looking at it from the " best sex you`ve ever had " type of frame work. We have all had good relationships, and partners that were consistenly good in bed and fun, etc. - but Sounkyo is that crazy, fickle bitch that made me see God and opened my eyes to both myself and what is out there.


    I lust for Sounkyo. I dont lust for Kamui.





    What many of you are describing is what I already do. All the bars have my number and if there are problems they call. I also try and do the other stuff MikePow detailed as much as possible- january was underager central at some of the Japanese run bars ( where they have no idea what a 15 year old Aussie looks like). It would be cost prohibitive for most bars to have doorstaff so this way we cover the bases. I was the defacto town bouncer last season, this season i got paid to do it and could come from a position of semi-authority- meaning more negotiations, less fighting for me. That most of you that come here don`t know I exist, or at least have no idea that I am around is probably the best balance- walk softly and carry a big Canadian. : )


    The incident in question, had I been working that night, would have ended very differently ( and been settled much sooner and peacefully)

  6. well hirafu spends 100,000 yen a night to light their field - thats the cost of lights only-hirafu only- so I am guessing its a massive money drain. Some nights like tonight it is busy ( with almost all riders being season pass holders I would imagine) whereas others it is virtually empty.


    One of the positive blips in Japan`s " don`t think, just do" social collectivism. It`s no one`s specific job to ask whether the nighter is worthwile for business, therefore no one asks.



    so shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....

  7. And thats what we are trying to avoid- though after a meeting today with my bosses and some of the J-powers that be around here, I dont have much hope to any forward progress on how things will operate here in the near future. The tourism board here has been slashed to the bone as of this spring, and those that remain are solidly in the " 3-5 years to retirement-If I can`t photocopy it on the way to the smoke break room- it ain`t happening" school of thought.


    As for the Neanderthal bouncers thing, you obviously haven`t seen my mug in person- sadly I am about as Cro-Magnon as they come- a small Japanese family is considering subleting the space created by my forehead overhang.



  8. uhh...


    before you get dream job thoughts running through your head- I work for the JAPANESE government - which means...


    6 days a week

    9 hours a day

    shifts that usually end around 2 am

    meetings and appointments during non working hours which I am required to attend.

    80 and even 100 hour weeks during the busy Xmas and CNY seasons.

    Daily dealing with Japanese pension and business owners who view me as the sounding board to all their grievances with the gaijin

    Foriegners who see me as the face of "the man" and call me at all hours with whatever issues at hand.

    perhaps the smokiest work enviroment on the planet outside of a chimney sweep

    having to write daily logs and reports for every .single. person. that walks through the door.In Japanese. Then log this info into a computer data base that will probably never be read.ever.


    all for the princely sum of 200,000 yen a month - or roughly 4/5ths of what a fresh off the boat english teacher makes for 3-5 class hours a day.


    This is a labour of love- I think if youy did a ask round of most of the Niseko locals on this forum you would find most of them think my job is kinda cool and kinda interesting- and all of them would give a polite " thanks but bugger that" if you asked them to do it.

  9. Was alerted to this thread by someone and resurected my old Snowjapan membership to jump in with my two cents.


    I work in Hirafu in the Safety centre next to the Seicomart and basically I am the police liasion officer for this season ( and presumably the next few). I think having us around this year made a general detterent to many of the problems that occured in seasons past and I think as everyone gets used to the idea we can do an even better job. From next season , all of the police assigned to this box will have English abilities ( they scoured all of Hokkaido and have come up with 5) and will try to work more closely with business owners and visitors alike to help reduce the three main problems we have - jacket/electronics/ski thefts, fights , and obnoxious drunks. From next seasson several of the bigger bars will have FREE coat checks and the police box will have the back room modified into a holding cell.


    i think it is important to keep a good balance in this town between the ability to have a grand old time and minimizing the effects of these nights out. Having a jacket stolen or a wanker start a fight is not the way a Niseko holiday should be remembered and hopefully by next season further systems should be in place to help deal with these problems.


    I was off the night in question and in Sapporo. All the bars have my cell number and indeed Paddys tried calling me. Most of the time this year these problems have been avoided before they ever got to this stage- and the number of incidents was considerably down this year - tho some say thats because I`m in here, not out on the piss. ; )


    If anyone has suggestions as how we can do a better jobs , fire away. Now is the time to get the wheels in motion- before next season.

  10. my cousin was a fairly successful actor with lots of money in the bank and a new apartment in T.O. when he went out west for a part- found H and ended up six years later broke and shooting up in his feet and eyes as the rest of his veins were junk... scary scary shit... I did it a couple of times later and can say it is a really nice high ..like really good e but with that coke edge of I am the coolest...luckily I had snowboarding to help keep it all in check...Living in Whistler you can go one way or the other- party and ride or ride and party...I chose life but some of my bros were not so lucky...one of the advantages of inaka japan for me is the lack of hard drugs...now if I could just break this chatroom addiction

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