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Posts posted by enderzero

  1. Here is a pretty decent article about the reaction to the Hollwoodization of the film and also director Rob Marshall's "artistic vision" of the film not trying to accurately recreate the era.


    In Kyoto, the center of Japan's traditional arts, the reaction was more circumspect, in keeping with the western Japanese city's customary discretion.


    "It's a Hollywood movie. It's just entertainment, so what can we do?" said an official at the Kyoto Traditional Musical Art Foundation, which promotes the music, dance and other arts of old Japan. "Hollywood has always done things like ignoring history."


    "Complaining about it will just focus attention on it, so we plan to ignore it," he added, saying that the foundation had turned down requests to take part in promotional events connected with the premiere.


    Director Marshall has long emphasised that he was not trying to create an accurate picture of the Japan of the 1930s and that he felt he had chosen the best actors for each role, regardless of nationality.


    "The challenge for me was to bring that world to life. For me, it is an artistic impression of that world," he said on Monday.


    And some Japanese who saw the preview were pleasantly surprised.


    "It was strange, but not in a bad way," said one magazine writer, who declined to be identified. "I think because they are foreigners they have been able to create a vision of Japanese beauty that we could not, because we would be trying to recreate reality," she added.

  2. It was a bit of an adventure but I got my first day of the season. I arrived at Diableret only to find that the glacier (which is still open for the season) was closed due to high winds (I seem to remember winds plaguing db's trip to Switzerland). So I high tailed it back to the station and asked them where I could snowboard. A bit of a detour but I eventually made it to Verbier which only had two runs open but they weren't too bad. I can tell that place would be amazing when it is running full blast. It ended up being a pretty pricey excursion, but at least I got to snowboard. I will hopefully make it to Austria next weekend. Anyone been to Amade ?


    BTW - Switzerland is freaking beautiful!!

  3.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Da spud:
    It was such a good day, if I wasn't wearing a helmut I think I would have got rope burn on my scalp
    lol - I seem to remember we were actually jumping over the ropes. \:D

    If my memory serves me, I think Mr. Sparkle and a few others got nabbed and then let go with a black pen mark on their passes so the patrollers would know they had already been warned in case they got caught in the trees again. I don't seem to remember that slowing them down much though.

    Good times!
  4. My favorite film of last year was definitely Lost in Transition. Great soundtrack and interesting focus on some up-and-comers in the sport (with some classic faves for flavor too). Bonus of a bit of Japan footage as well.


    Other strong recs are the Robotfood series Lame and Afterbang (Afterlame is good but it is a bit goofy and more focused on the life of the pro snowboarder than the riding).


    You can't go wrong with any of Standard's TB films. TB10 - Optigrab is particularly good and features all of the most progressive riders today.

  5. Hey guys - Danz may well end up back at Whistler around the New Year but I won't be able to make it.


    Some change of plans. Danz and I are debating possibly making it a trip for those two days to Big White instead. I have been to W/BC a whole bunch of times and know the mtn/area very well. However I have never made it all the way to BW. Any comments from the BCers here on how the two compare?

  6.  Quote:
    Originally posted by Yamakashi:
    I couldnt imagine that youd keep your job for long when you have to bust people for riding where they shouldnt be and you then go and do it.
    I couldn't imagine going to Cortina and riding on the piste \:D

    I imagine with Cortina and Norikura you can keep yourself pretty busy for the first few weeks until you get good and used to the jp riding style. By then you will have a good idea of where you can and can't ride on the mountain to avoid problems.

    But remember, you are in the heart of one of the densest packed centers of ski life in Japan. There are plenty of resorts within a quick drive. Try to make friends with folks you work with that will take you around to the best spots in Nagano. Make sure you get up to Nozawa and stuff up North for a few weekend trips as well. Making friends with people that work at other resorts could lead to free days of riding or possible (ultra hush) easy pass swaps. Just hanging out on this forum enough will surely lead to having plenty of people to ride with.

    You will never have to worry about being carded when buying alcohol. A beer will cost you a couple bucks, a couple more at a bar.

    Enjoy Japan and enjoy the pow!
  7. Canada's Niseko?? That is a very strange comparison. Whistler is 10 times the size of Niseko both on the mountain and off. It is very accessible from Vancouver, one of the largest cities in Canada, where Niseko is a flight and long bus ride from anywhere on Honshu. Maybe you have heard that comparison because they are both particularly good places to ski and snowboard. I love Whistler - or Blackcomb in particular - but it can get very crowded around holiday times. I have never been into the interior of BC, but you will probably want to look at places like the Big White region of the Okanagan or Fernie in the BC Rockies. Others here have been there I know.

  8. This week, Octopus Dropkick reports on a new free monthly magazine on the Tokyo streets called GO. Their site has the entire print version in a nice browseable window. This mag seems very different from Metropolis and other free "what's happenin" mags with its attention to aesthetics in the photos and striking lack of text. (Is it really small?)


    Anyone picked it up? What do you think of the format?

  9.  Quote:
    Originally posted by snowglider:
    heck they could have been raising money for charity
    lol.gif Heck, the domino chain could have opened a portal that the domino gods would emerge out of and enslaved humanity. Maybe the sparrow was a part of an age old secret order of protectors, entrusted with keeping the domino gods in check and humanity safe. ...I mean, as long as we are hypothesizing.

    Hadn't they ever heard of a net?
  10. Since we are talking about prices I just have to say that the Czechs have really got the economy of alcohol thing down. While most cost of living expenses are similar to a bit less than other places I have lived, the alcohol is incredibly cheap! An average beer (full 1/2 liter - to the line) of very decent beer runs between 15 and 20 Krowns - approx 80 Yen!! And that is in a bar/pub. It is even cheaper from a conbini (btw - the Czech word "potraviny" is almost as fun).


    Wine is the same. A glass of decent wine in a bar is 15-30. A store bought bottle of wine that would be in the 1000-1500 Yen range (similarly in America the $9-12 bottles) is rarely more than 100 Krowns. Where in many places the wine price quadruples (or more) in restaurants, the Czech usually less than double it at the table.


    It makes draining a 5 Euro pint of identical beer in most of the E.U. feel pretty foolish.

  11. My initial reaction is to not like the varying hours plan. I guess it works for some people that just want to ride a couple hours a day and maye get a night in here and there - but it punishes you for riding a lot. I can just imagine wanting to go back up for another good run but thinking, "well if I skip this run today then maybe I can get an extra hour tomorrow before the pass expires."


    When I rode there two years ago, the same 30,000 bought you 28 full days at Hirafu. I certainly rode a lot more than 50 hours with that.

  12. If you just want to have a fun time living in the big city then I would live somewhere in the general area of Ebisu/South Shibuya. Specifically I think Naka-Meguro is the best. Very easy transport, pretty river, and within walking distance of anywhere you might end up in that area. I could probably be pretty happy anywhere South from Yoyogi to Meguro within a 20 min walk from the Yamanote or near a stop on the upper Toyoko-sen. Of course if you think of all of Shibuya as awful and the only way you would live in Tokyo was if you HAD to - then you might want to move a bit further out (outer Toyoko-sen and Odakyu-sen are both nice).

  13. I am not aware of what kind of science the spinsters injected into Creationism to transform it into Intelligent Design (because I really don't care too much). But if it is a viable "theory," then I think it is fair to at least talk about it - aka debate.


    Noah Feldman wrote a great article in the NYT titled A Chruch State Solution (sorry this is a pay article - but crafty netizens may find certain ways around that) a few months back. I believe this has been expanded into his book Divided By God .


    Yes, Feldman's stuff is US specific, but the basic principle applies to any secular state. That principle is that by forcing secularism on people, we are actually doing more to harm our right to freedom of religion. It should be okay to discuss and celebrate all religions in public institutions, as long as government does not sponsor a particular religion. Actually, he puts it a lot better than I do and I may be losing some of his point here. But it is an interesting read for those interested.


    (heavy topics round the off-topic forum \:D )

  14. Strictly speaking, I would say "racial mixing" (although a rather indelicate term) is all an experiment-in-progress that has, as of yet, resulted in very little success. However, the scope of the experiment is considerably larger than the minimal time period so far allowed. It has only been generally accepted that races other than white were "equals" by whites (and still not all accept this) for less than a century. There will be no complete success until not only all people accept this, but it actually becomes true in practice. This means that a person of any race have the same opportunities for education, employment, housing, freedom from harassment, and any number of other privileges that whites enjoy due to their centuries of domination. It is a long road ahead and I imagine there will be plenty more burnt cars along the way.


    For an interesting look at issues of race in France, I recommend the film La Haine

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