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SnowJapan Member
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Posts posted by bobby12

  1. I think its true that gaijin are more fussy, and I blame the Americans! wink


    When I was in the US, I was stunned by how annoying the waiters are - they ask you 50 questions after you order a dish 'do you want vinegar?' 'what kind of vinegar?' 'should i put the vinegar on the potatoes or on the side' 'how much vinegar' 'and do you want a salad' 'what salad' 'what dressing' 'do you need croutons on that?'

    --- just shut up and give me the damn food!!! Let the cook prepare it the best way, I'm not a damn cook!!!


    I was close to putting caps in asses on occasion.

  2. OK we need to get all our predictions down and then at the end of the season we can have a 'virtual awards ceremony' for the people with the most accurate predictions.


    My Predictions


    1: Chelsea

    2: Man Utd

    3: Liverpool

    4: Arsenal


    Ronaldo goes to Real Madrid, Man Utd can't replace him.

    Chelsea buy a big name like Deco, Terry makes good.

    Liverpool end strong after a weak start.

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