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Posts posted by OzOzOz

  1.  Quote:
    They get paid a lot of money, they get given a lot of privileges, they get a lot of adulation. What do they give in return?

    - they give their best in the game for their team. They have not entered into a contract with their "fans" who give them the adulation to do PR and to do nice things like making paper cranes with children. They have become stars and idols because they are good at football. Thats it. Thats what they give. There should be no need for more. If there is more, great.

    Do you seriously believe that the Japanese team will score more goals for being coddled in a hugely expensive ryokan with their own private football pitch and their several kilometre exclusion zone? How may extra goals? One? Two? I reckon none.

    - Very possibly there will/would be no difference in results. But aren't they the professionals who know how to prepare the best for their coming task? Who are we, as people who are not experts in football management, to know that?

    [This message has been edited by OzOzOz (edited 28 May 2002).]
  2. Excuse me for butting in on this discussion.


    The way I see it, isn't it less a matter of "secrets" (which ARE important - are you a football fan Ocean11) - and more one of what's best for the team in the build up.


    The town I live in was "dame" for a World Cup training squad precisely because there are too many surrounding hills where people can "watch" practice.


    I'm sure the teams do something locall though don't they? It's surely not all secret/security.

  3. Good to be able to buy so many 7-11.

    They have some DVDs in my local Tsutaya but not that many.


    I think they take lots of the extra "goodies" off the rental DVDs as well (like the commentaries, docus etc)

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