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Posts posted by doggy-style

  1. yeah... i get it alright. it's people like you who have nothing else better to do than to gripe about what's right or wrong in the world on a skiing forum, hhmm lets see. why don't you actually do something productive about it. Write your local congressman, boycott American TV, join movement groups, join a debate club, ... i guess there's a lot more things you can do than just stir up some opinions on a skiing forum... if you take it that personally.. i think you've got problems.. or just too much time on your hands. There's a lot more other problems in the world ie: povery, starvation, homelessness, aids, war, etc.... and you're getting old worked over about one article... way too much time my friends.

  2. good politics or bad politics? Is YOUR country's president an Angel? Who cares it was done. What are you gonna do and can you do about it is the question? Why don't you go complain about it elswhere. I'm sure there are people who share the same opinion and there are people who disagree with you..... quit wining and just kick up your feet and enjoy the Winter Olympics like everyone else who is trying too.

  3. or.. is it everyone in the audience watching the Olympics from different countries wearing there country's colors, having they're national flag painted on their faces, singing along with their country's national anthem, is that not olympic spirit.. i think BD was right.. get a life! Do you always gripe about crap like this? Man you should be embarrased to be an American... yet a human being. Why are you even watching the Winer Olympics? Are you going to gripe about every little thing printed in the press and shown on TV? Take a look at your own life and find your own shortcomings.... hell we just wanna watch good entertainment and cheer for our country's Athletes.... did you for get about that? once again... get a life!! There's a lot more to it than your view of Nationalism.. why don't you do something positive and email NBC about this gripe you've been having and joing the others who feel the same way... and leave us normal people to watch the Olympics..

  4. ... the US media is gonna ride this 'patriotism' until it's running on fumes.. so the Flag will be waiving, until who knows when.


    And yeah it's a shame that Americans(myself included) and the world had it's eyes opened because of 9/11 to see what has been happening and has happened for hundreds of years now...


    .. i think nationalism can't be helped in the arena of the olympics.. that's just part of the olympics and the olympic spirit..


    competition brings out the best and the worst...


    to Thomas .. i thought you'd be American

  5. "Shukan Bunshun (2/21) dumps on what it describes as "American arrogance toward the spirit of the Olympics" at the St. Lake City Games' opening ceremonies."


    hhmmm.... coming from a Country that until recently has only shown it's own athletes on public TV... not even recognizing the other athletes from other country's accomplishments. Sounds a little 'arrogant' too doesn't it? Is that the spirit of the Olympics? Or is it when the Asahi... gripes about Shimizu not getting the Gold... is that about Olympic spirit? ...

    so tell me Thomas what is your idea of Olympic spirit?

  6. it's to remind everyone that we Americans have SPIRIT,UNITY and FREEDOM to stand tough through adversity and that we're PROUD to be AMERICANS. Hey... if your country was attacked and lost some 3000 innocent people I'm sure you would see this sort of PATRIOTISM. Or maybe not... from the likes of people like YOU.. I hope you choke on the images of the American Flag...

  7. i went to Hakuba this past weekend and was at Iwatake and checked out there half pipe. It had a big transition with very little or no vert. It was pretty packed though so I didn't wanna try, plus I'm a beginner and everyone who jumped in was poppin around waist to head high front side airs and backside airs. That's including the girls I saw do the pipe.. insane! I think the pipe is around 3-3.5 meters high and is good for beginners because the transition is so big. Even though I didn't try it I recommend it to anyone who goes to Iwatake.

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