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Posts posted by big-will

  1. zwelgen - yes, thats right.


    So I would explain that to them politely, not shouting my head off, and hopefully they would understand and maybe even apologise - and the whole thing could be settles with an understanding and no reputations burnt. There is no need to explode every time something like this happens, much better ways to deal with it.

  2. I would be not pleased about the situation, but go to the police as instructed. I'd tell them politely and with respect (due or not) that I strongly thought that what they did was not on and not acceptable. They would probably accept that, and if they did then I would be ok with the situation.


    That way, they may gain a favorable impression of me (and gaijin), realise that what they did was not good, may learn from the situation (and a bit about humanity) in the process.


    That would be way far more constructive than shouting baka, telling them to f-themselves and causing a massive fuss.

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