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Posts posted by Davo

  1. Indo, I'm just ranting. Commuting has eroded my manners and decency. No-one else stands for the poor old things on the rush hour trains either. Actually, I usually catch the train about 6:50AM...Grumpy timesadglass.gif. It's a war to get the last seats so I usually queue up 5 mins earlier.


    Spud, I would love to ride my bike to work but commuting is a premium I'm willing to pay for moving the family out here to the suburbs. I grumble a lot less in the weekends when I'm out here near the mountains and breathing clean air.

  2. These days I'm ruthless due to the grind of the commute. No oldie is going to get my seat if it means me standing for 30mins! Pregnant women I would stand for, but anyone one infirmed by age who is stupid enough to travel during worker ant time must pay the price for clogging things up even more. They have the option of choosing their travel time due to retirement right?

  3. Good advice everyone. I was always open to the idea of just sending my girl to public elementary school but my wife was dead against it. What you've said Bobby 12 is exactly what I heard. Must be the bad memories of JHS/HS.


    Based on my cursory research International schools are OTT expensive, and I was never into the "bubble environment" idea anyway. As fjef says it's better to spend on trips home-that way they can escape the summer club thing too.


    We'll still be here when the first one is ready for school and I'm not worried about it at all. My wife has come around to the idea which is great.

  4. People falling over gets me, obviously not if they're old and frail or get hurt. I remember looking out the window one rainy day when I was supposed to be studying at the uni library. This girl was crossing a hilly lawn and went for the funniest skate. Another time I was swimming with my girlfriend in Yoshino river and we saw a fisherman do a big crash into the water-just couldn't stop laughing. Funny stuff if no one gets hurt.

  5. Hey mejane, she's doing good thanks. We've got the 2nd trimester breather going on, doesn't last long though. Strange thing is that we're far less preoccupied by the whole pregnancy this time round. Something to do with having an overly fiesty 2 year old and being more full-on with work.

  6. Scuffers, people who scuff their feet as they walk along. It's lazy, slovenly, and makes me feel like planting a boot in their ***. There's a chick at work that can be heard approaching by her audibly slobby scuff. I want to grab her by her muppet ears and scream "Pick up your feet you lazy cow!"


    Other thing is people who chew with their sloppy porcine mouths wide open. Back to the pigpen is where these masticating morons should be sent.


    Didn't these people learn any manners when they were kids!


    I love this thread-its funny as hell reading back over what annoys everyone. lol.gif

  7. That road is deathly. There are some barriers at certain points, incuding one where a car was blown off by a gust of wind I think. One time coming down I saw a car that'd gone off the side and luckily grounded about 50m down the slope without rolling. The people were climbing back up the to the road no doubt wearing poop-filled pants.


    People haul it up there as well. I remember going once with a friend of a friend who was in a big hurry. So big in fact that he somehow managed to do a 360 on the ice , bringing us miraculously to a stop in the middle of the road. A bit freaky and it was lucky we were right at the bottom of the mountain-certainly slowed him down a bit. We all looked at each other and went "F::::::::!"

  8. Hope it works out for you Griller. Pretty unlikely story that she's pregnant to you considering you used condoms. Getting can be easy but it can also take time and good timing if you're trying to make happen too.


    Not sure about the "tell your girlfriend" advice, may be best to wait and see, obviously you're the best judge of that.

  9. Nice places to visit echineko. I thought the Yorkshire countryside was very pretty from what I saw and Scotland is great too.


    I am staying put apart from possible trips to the Japan sea and Hakuba maybe. I could theoretically have 4 weeks off but it's looking like I'll work on and off during that time instead.

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