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Posts posted by Davo

  1. When I was a kid I seem to remember Vegemite being viewed as a kind of Marmite for softies who couldn't hack the kick of the real thing. I like both but prefer Vegimite these days and if that make me a softie then so be it. I have heard similar amusing stories from japanese friends of their first encounter with these delicious foods. Both mistook it for a kind of nuttella chocholate thingy-spread it on thick & UUMMM chotto chigau ne! Right-I'm off to have some Vegimite on rye crackers then.

  2. I've been there for one day only-it was awesome and it's pretty huge. Superfriendly for boarders-it was snowing when I was there so I found it difficult to get orientated. Has a section of lifts named Crap and I had a drink at the Crap bar at the end of the day waiting for my bus back to Zurich. Depite the funny names it is far from crap IMO. You'll love it.

  3. It seems that resort and ski town work is poorly paid and often not much fun. Imagine being one of the Nescafe cowgirls or whatever they are at Hakuba 47-the ones who wave at everyone when they leave. Anyway what's the best ski town job you have had or have in Japan? This includes any job where you are super close (1hr or so) to good riding. I like my work and where I live but wish I was closer to the Mts come wintertime.Go on-make me jealous!

  4. Well I got a nice surprise today when I started a new class at the seimongako. There were several students in the class who I taught when they were fresh out of high school at the start of last year. Anyway they couldn't/wouldn't speak English well and were a pain in the arse back then. They have mysteriously grown up and can now happily chat away in English-given the right direction.

    Anyway I think this change can partly be attributed to becoming more mature and partly due to the fact that they have been taught communicative English by different teachers once a week for almost 2 years. Surely the same results are achievable at High schools if the education ministry could pull it's head out of it's arse and manage it's resources properly i.e having JETs teach instead of being AETs. This is not a criticism of JETs but rather the way they appear to be utilised. In the future I believe more Urban schools with a pro-active agenda will move away from the dictates of the ministry which achieve so little. Some of my collegues also teach at high schools using the same methods and manage their own classes. Cheaper for the schools/taxpayer and the students don't have a passive learning experience. End result is that they can understand and communicate actively in English-surely that has to be the ultimate objective.

    So,yes I do think that Japanese are open to outside ideas-today was a classic example of that in practice.

  5. Ocean11-you left that one out of the crap jobs thread a while back. Did you have to wear a uniform and ask "Would you like any extra..hic!...hic!..mozzerella with that Sir...burp..?". I was a waiter for a while "And todays specials are..." great work.

    Anyway back to the original-the love of my life is Japanese and I think coming from different cultures makes us get on better. She is a very considerate person like many Japanese and I have a lot to learn from that angle. I think she can similarly gain a different perspective from being with me in some ways. But at the end of the day we are very similar despite our different cultural backgrounds-all cool.

  6. Halloween-gotta love Michael Myers with his weird mask and 10 cent haircut. He's always just plodding along with a carving knife-if he gets shot he kind of dances around a bit and then keeps coming. Everytime you think he's had it he suddenly lurches back into life-he's a hard man to put down. I tend to find scary movies funny more than anything else.

  7. I can't comment on whether JET teaching is good/bad or achieves anything in terms of actual language aquisition. I have the impression that many JET teachers do not teach at all but rather function as a side-kick to the Japanese teacher. I guess it depends on the teacher (native & Japanese) and the system at the particular school.


    I do feel qualified to take a meaty swipe however at the Ministry of Educations efforts at teaching communicative English conversation. Only a Japanese bureacracy could invest so many resources and take up so much of the learners time to produce such pathetic results. Whatever good intentions JET teachers have, they are but pawns in the juggernaught of the Japanese education system.


    I teach at a siemongakko(spelling?) and it's my job to de-programme the students and drag them screaming and kicking from their passivity to actually respond to questions, ask them and ahhh...communicate in a language they have apparently been studying for 5 years.


    I'm sure that JETs do make a positive contribution, but at the end of the day school here is not necessarilly focused on teaching applicable skills. It's a double edged sword from a professional point of view as it makes your job more difficult but guarantees that there'll always be plenty of work as long as the government keeps doing such a crap job. Phew-sorry for the rant. Maybe I have it all wrong , it'd be interesting to hear more from some JETs.

  8. Not sure about that one-I guess if you had a barking dog something would be done about it. My dog barks very rarely-usually whens she's excited and playing with her toys so it's never a problem.

    However she has become a flea carrier over the weekend, and she puked on the floor this morning- so she's far from perfect!

  9. Switzerland can be very pricey but we got a nice double room in Verbier for 10000 yen a night maybe? the week before Xmas. There is also a backpackers there called The Bunker which charged around 3000 yen if I remember. I suppose prices are similar in other areas-saw some cheaper places in Davos.


    Do a web search and book now for sure while you can. Shouldn't be any more pricey than here. Better still get a crew together and rent a chalet for the week. Enjoy.

  10. A long big toke would possibly put a smile on the face of some of the grim commuters I see when I'm forced to catch the train. Have to agree that alcohol is a far more harmful drug. Anyway why do they test for weed in the first place-it's hardly a performance enhancing substance, actually that's debateable I suppose.

    Yes it is a shame about the mogul dudes-had they been caught driving drunk it would probably not be news. Now I know the secret of how they can turn their legs into natural shock absobers and fearlessly cane it down those mogul runs.

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