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Posts posted by Davo

  1. Yeah it's a shame for people like you ILDP. I've met lots of military people in Hakuba over the last 6 years. Most of them were basically friendly, intelligent and interesting people who are good to hang out with. I can't remember coming across any of the type of jerks being discussed here.


    Unfortunately, due to incidents like this military and gaijins in general get a bad reputation. That bar owner who was swinging the guitar will probably be wary if any random gaijins walk into his bar in the future.

  2.  Quote:
    There aren't that many choices, so it shouldn't be a tough decision if it really bothers you.
    Well, in terms of using resorts or not that's clearly true. I could but I won't. Perhaps it's disingenious of me to say that that my 7 days or so riding a year make little difference. Also, if the lifts are running it's better that they're running for a reason right?

    Resort use aside, there are unlimited options to try and make a difference regarding energy use and environmental impact. That's what I'm talking about in terms of impact.
  3. Spud, I'm no expert at the kid game, but I think being overprotective may not be he best approach. I think you've just got to create a good environment and lead by example. Kids can be conditioned to eat healthily and enjoy it. My daughter loves natto, fruit and veges. She could just as easily be loving eating processed rubbish food and high suger content beakfast cereals. I'd rather she start the day with fruit, toast and plain yogurt. There are no fast food chains in my neighbourhood, which is a pure stroke of luck.


    The whole way this world is geared up for transportation is a problem-the car is king and everything is designed to have us all driving round in one. At least in most places. I'm kind of lucky in that I really don't need to have one. Don't get me wrong, I do love driving and the convenience, but the car and convenience culture is the root of a lot of problems.


    Not sure if lifts in Japan are major churners of fossil fuels-could be that they're nuclear powered.


    As far as resorts being environmentally sound goes, the ideal would be minimal impact. A sustainably powered lift right to the top of the mtn(stops along the way maybe)-low carbon biomass fueled or something. No grooming, just professional avie control. Intelligent design of courses to suit different levels of ability, but learnig to deal with powder would be a prerequisate of riding.


    Incentives and infrastructure set up to discourage people from going there in private vehicles. In short, madness. It'll never happen unfortunately. This is a world where even people who're concerned about their carbon footprints fly way for ski/snowboard weekends. Not because they feel good about doing so, but just because we're conditioned into thinking of this as normal.

  4. Avoid peak times, queues and waiting for things. Time is limited so just think laterally. If I see an ATM with a huge queue I just look for another one. Why wait around when you can keep moving and find and alternative? Not always an option of course, but I always feel like I'm being cheated if I have to wait in line for ages. Besides, most people don't think like this and there's often a free ATM around the corner.


    I quite like having a good chill for half an hour or so during a day on the mountain. Just not at lunchtime with all the other chumps who're sleeping in their coca-cola or whatever.

  5. I totally agree with the two lifts idea spud, but god you know how to rant the ears off of a donkey!


    Yes, yes-I know my kids are little marketing targets and all that. It's all fine and well for me to indoctrinate them (as I intend to) not to eat McD's and become part of the machine. Problem is, I'll have to work out how to do that the right way or they'll just turn round, tell me I'm a **** and do exactly what I don't want them to do.


    Resorts are OK by me. I don't have time to hike up from the base every time I go out and I suspect no-one else here does either.

  6. Simple. Get the cheapest overnight return bus ticket to Hakuba. Stay at one of the many backpackers, cook your own food and pack a lunch up to the mtn. Don't rent any gear if you can avoid it. Drink chu hai or whatever instead of boozing at bars.


    A really cheap accomodation option in Hakuba is staying at Goryu for 1,000 yen, or so I've heard. That may be a bit boring though. The longer you stay the cheaper it should be as transport is a big cost factor.

  7. No hkgal it's way outta my budget range and I like to stay with friends and meet new people mostly anyway.


    Anyway, regarding the Japanese flair, looking at the photos and the write-up there seems to be little at La Niege. Thing is though, in Japan there's an overwhelming sense of being in Japan anyway, if that makes any sense. Too much Japanese flair may make for cross-cultural communication difficulties, and the "not accustomed to foreign guests" type of thing, which I imagine you'd be trying to avoid where clients are involved.


    If they don't want to eat French food and drink wine every night, I'm sure you could sort out visits to Japanese restaurants and so on.


    Based on my experience and looking at La Niege, they may even want something more upscale. Whenever my old company did this type of thing the clients wanted places to themselves as much as possible, if not exclusively too. I suppose you have a pretty generous budget for planning this event.


    If Niseko has something better that fits your needs, I think it may be the right place. Easier to get to from Hong Kong too from what I hear.

  8. I worked in party design in London in a past life and my company did one job in Davos Switzerland at the World Economic Forum for exactly the same type of people you work for hkgal.


    I think Laniege in Hakuba as recommended by FT would be the ticket. Great location and a real alpine environment. If they go to St Moritz in Europe then they'll expect the higest possible quality. As far as I can tell this would be the best bet. They want to go to Japan for the snow and a bit of uniqueness, provided along with the comfort and professionalism of a place used to accomodating wealthy international clients.


    Honestly speaking, I don't know much about the place, but it seems like the best option given your task. Nothing wrong with your English-damn good if you ask me.

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