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Posts posted by Davo

  1. Only went to SK once years ago. Stayed at a pension with my girlfriend and it was great to wake up and look out on the slopes directly. Could ski to the lifts from the pension; this was before I was a boarder and anyway it was banned back then in 95/96?


    No nightlife whatsoever and this doesn't seem to have changed much. I would love to go back there cause there is some awesome tree terrain. There was limited night skiing as there is in Hakuba.


    If it's your first trip I would say that on balance Hakuba would be the easier option and have all the goods you're looking for.


    As you're planning to cook for yourself, you'll need to stay in a self catering lodge, cabin or whatever. I expect Hakuba has a lot more options in this line. SK was a hotel/pensions kind of place when I was there and the only restaurant I can remember was the curry place where we had lunch.

  2. Yes Mantas, the Japanese fishing industry is hardly a steward of sustainability but it's not alone there. As far as I remember it was illegal fishing by Spanish trawlers that helped to collapse cod stocks off the coast of Canada.


    Attacking the 'researchers' just makes them more defiant and increases the hot air of politicians who support them. Unfortunately Mamabear (as is usual with head up the *ss absolutist positioning) there seems to be little prospect of fair and open discusssion and negotiation.


    I don't know much about Peter Garrett, but believe the guy is pretty sincere and has his heart in the right place. The problem is that his worship of the whales is blinding him to rational analysis.


    The idea of this annual harvest being research is farcical. I don't see the need to kill em and count em or whatever their rationale is if they are really researching. How about tagging them electronically and monitoring movement and other techniques to establish the population.


    It does seem logical that some species have recovered to the level where sustainable fishing could occur. Neither the whaling or absolutely anti whaling camp are helping to make the true situation any clearer. Pigheadedness all around.

  3. I think most Japanese are simply unaware of any wider perspective surrounding the whaling issue and why so many people are against it. It's usually seen as Japan bashing and I'm sure that Japan bashing is a part of it for some critics. Most people never eat the stuff anyway but Japan can't give it up because it's part of the 'culture', or at least the 'culture' presented by the polemicists. Some people here are against it too but for most it's a non-issue.


    What is really so wrong with whaling if it's sustainable and the particular species are not endangered? I don't really know and can only assume I'm against whaling for cultural/emotional reasons, after all, growing up in NZ I was basically indoctrinated with the opposite polemic that whaling is morally repugnent and akin to murdering babies. However, as for those cows and sheep (which are incidentally only shagged by Aussie tourists), well it's "Yum! Om nom nom nom nom".


    Whaling is just unnecessary and damaging for Japan's international reputation, but those that support it aren't concerned about that. I'm against it but think that the hyperbolic approach of some in the anti whaling camp is pointless. And tagging a ski lift like that is just stupid.


    To illustrate the perception gap between Japan and the anti whaling world here's a personal story. One day I came home and and upon rummaging around in the fridge found some tastey looking crumbed fried meat on a stick. I had only just started Om nomming it when I realised I couldn't work out if it was oily beef or something else.


    Asked the wife and she casually replied that it was whale. I was, of course, outraged and yelled at her "WTF do you think you're doing buying this and letting me eat it without telling me?" Well she's a pretty stroppy girl and a big argument ensued. After we cooled down we could properly expalain and analyse where we were coming from. She really had no idea why it was such a big deal until I explained things.


    It got me thinking and I can conclude that even though I would never voluntarilly eat even sustainably unendangered whale meat, the only reason is cultural/emotional conditioning. In much the same way I wouldn't want to eat horse but cows are just fine.

  4. I noticed on the news last night that some aid agency representatives and a spokesman from the Thai government were being very diplomatic about the junta's instrangisence. Grating though it may be to do that, it is probably the best way to get them to co-operate in the short term.


    Some of the speculation that 500,000 may have died is simply horrific, and the big threat now is disease and starvation.


    I hope that in the longer term this will spell the end of the junta, but for now I hope the Chinese and other neighbours can exercise some positive influence. The paranoid generals certainly don't want to have the US getting involved.


  5. GW was a long 11 days off just relaxing at home and around the neighbourhood. Spent loads of time in the park with the girls and taught the soon to be 4 year old how to ride her new bike. Also did heaps of cooking, housework and drinking, often at the same time. Multitasking even when I'm out of the office!


    Only time I got on the train was to go in for those beers we had CB. Cuban place is good but pretty expensive...the beers in the station were a lot easier on the wallet.


    That's a grim sounding time for the family SG. Have to get together someother time.


    Managed to go running 5 times but still got fatter due to my exceptional multitasking abilities

  6. wow I haven't posted for ages...

    Golden week is on baby! I got 11 days off with no office nonsense and no plan or schedule. CB I am keen to run whenever apart from today.


    Had a big night with all the crew from work last night, as we evacuated en masse at 4:30 sharp. Maxed out the happy hour at the Westin and carried on to a tachinomiya in Juso for tons of beer and kushikatsu.


    This morning I am slightly broken but feeling better after a bacon sandwich and coffee.


    Hey Ewok! I've got your Murakami book and can lend you 'Hardboiled wonderland at the end of the world', which has got to be one of the best reads since that sheep chase book of his. Just awesome.


    Sorry Nick and I bailed on you that day but that sick line had to be done. The best way for you to improve is to ride zactly where you have been and keep pushing your limits. Always ride powder if possible and know your confidence level in different conditions. Ride in any weather. You need to be able to dominate the chopped up pow at the sides of runs in close next to the trees before you really go in for the trees. I can show you some good lines on the map and will try to show you a line or two if where there at the same time. Unfortunately though, I'm completely selfish on powder days!


    Off to the park soon. See you all later

  7. Seen it once outside a strip club that somewhat ironically was also adertising the gaijin booty that could be seen inside. That's racism pure and simple and should be dealt with by the law. This is what the UN guy is on about-there's no law to prevent that sort of descrimination in Japan.


    With the new fingerprinting and photo law the authorities have brought in descrimination for Japanese who have foolishly let themselves fall into a family relationship with dangerous gaijins. I can handle being treated like the outsider I obviously am,whatever.. What I can't handle is the fact that my Japanese family will be handled as such by being associated with me when we go through immigration. They're ethnically Japanese (as if the ethnicity bit should matter) and they are Japanese citizens FFS. I hope that this particular issue can be turned into some type of human rights class action suit against the government.


    Different thread I know, but I see it as all part of the same thing and the powers that be need it rammed as hard a possible down their elitist narrow-minded throats. I don't think Japanese people are particularly racist on the whole, but there seems to be nothing done on the official level to discourage descrimination or support any sort of diversity in a positive way. If Japan wants to be part of the 'modern' 'developed' 'globalised' 'democratic' world, a little more recognition and respect for diversity is due. The goverment should be trying to limit and legislate against descrimination rather than encouraging it. End of rant.



    Check out the views from people in the street in this article. Not a lot of flipant casual racism in there at all....


    I do like the shoeshine guy's comment though. Unfortunately, I think he's a bit hopeful that getting Chinese to shine shoes for a 16th of what he charges will solve Japan's demographic woes lol.gif


    To be fair there is a bit of open-mindedness there, not bucketloads but a bit nonetheless. Plus all ther negative comments sound as if they've been lifted right out of the newspapers or the mouthsof politicians.

  9. I think there is a lot of racism here, particularly towards Chinese and Koreans. Most of this is casual racism, by that I mean neagtive racial stereotypes and comments made by people. Casual racism is hardly unique to Japan though. Plenty of casual racists wherever you go.


    I haven't experienced much overt racism here though, aside from the odd 'gaijin dame' back in the day, and a run in once with a drunken oyaji salaryman accosting me for no reason on the train. I think everyone gets to meet a guy like that at least once lol.gif


    The deep and profound bit I'd agree on the official level and the legitimacy that this gives to all the casual racists. The media, in concert with politicians and bureaucrats, has done a good job of demonising foreigners as a homogenous group of potential criminals/terrorists. Far easier to do that than to write well-researched articles or for the officials and politicians to do anything about the real cause of problems.


    So while I don't think racism is a part of my everyday experience here, I'm happy to see Japan taken to task on this at an official level. I also believe that a lot of Japanese have no idea what racism actually is.


    Race relations are quite problematic in plenty of countries but less so in Japan because there are basically so few non Japanese here. If the foreign population was a lot bigger Japanese society would struggle massively with the challenges diversity brings.

  10. Hey Ewok2 all good with us cheers, the second little monster is walking now and the biggger monster is starting to talk up a storm.


    I'll bring my tunes for sure, got some new Kiwi flavours and some other good stuff. Just gotta get the time to go sometime this season.


    Shin Imamiya would be an interesting place to stay if you want to see Osaka's downtown.

  11. I've been to a few with Japanese friends who've been paying and I worked a waiter in one with mainly gaijin hostesses for a month about 12 years ago.


    Can definately see the appeal but probably wouldn't pay to go. Basically when I've been it's been a bit of a laugh with friends. From the hostess perspective, if you're not a jerk they can basically enjoy their work without having to pretend to do so as much. That's my experience and friends and ex-girlfriends who've done the job say the same.


    It's actually a lot of fun to hang out with friends drinking and talking with (usually) hot women who are being paid to pour your drinks and chat. Chance to practice Japanese (maybe English for the girls) or just have a laugh if the girl is a gaijin. Having said that I'd much rather go out for a drink with my wife of course.

  12. Great post Gary. What a funny story about the bike. This is exactly why I've never bothered going to the cops whenever I've had bikes stolen. Considering the frequency of bike thefts in this country there must be a hell of a lot of Chinese peddling about the place.


    The cops told us it must have been SE Asians when our apartment got burgled a few years back. My mate was told it was the Chinese when he was burgled. Funny thing is, even the ummmm...completely reliable crime stats show that crime by foreigners is miniscule and statistically lower than that committed by Japanese.


    The fingerprinting will do very little to prevent any terrorism that may be planned for Japan IMO. I hope that it's all as smooth as anything but I still don't like it and it doesn't make me feel any safer. Any determined terrorist will still be able to come and go with ease, after all this is an island nation and the Nth Koreans have had great success with it.

  13. I don't like this either but perhaps it won't be so bad if it's well organised.


    It'll annoy me if it means my Japanese family is delayed and inconvenienced because one of of us isn't a safe and trustworthy member of the tribe. Somehow it seems wrong to me that Japanese citizens may be descriminated against like this. Of course this may not happen but if it does I'll be happy to add my voice to complaining about it.


    Meanwhile it's interesting to see all the gaijin bashers getting off over it. Some ex-Giants player was creaming himself over how it would cut down on gajin crime in the papers last week. That's actually what the law is about anyway.


    Thursday, residents with families don't have a choice and there are no brave politicians in Japan, they're just a bunch of slimy, corrupt, elitist fools.

  14. If you stay near the Midosuji line that would be OK to make the shikansen by 6.


    Ewok2 hows it going? I may get a lift with you later in the season if I can make the time for a trip or two.


    The Sunshine tours buses always seemed OK to me-but yeah, the bus does suck by and large. Have done the trip about 20 times I guess but would probably pay extra and train up now.

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