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Posts posted by barok

  1. Give him some of that new Yebisu dark - it is the closest readily available Japanese thing to Guiness you can find - I think most of the conbini`s stock it.


    See if you get the same reaction, then enjoy making fun of him for the rest of the evening, as you have proven that you can`t taste what country a beer comes from. \:D

  2. So I just got done watching Sean Connery fumble around with Japanese greetings in "You Only Live Twice" - not what I expected of James Bond, who in the beginning of the movie brags that he "took a first in Oriental Languages at Cambridge." lol.gif Whatever that means. But overall I gotta give Connery credit for making a good effort. Really, he remembered his lines, and only confused pronunciation. Did alot better than Halle Berrie did in "Austin Powers Goldmember."


    Japan seems to show up all the time in non-Japanese movies, as kindof a theme. Any ideas why ? Interesting culture and city-scapes perhaps?


    Anyway, what are some other examples of Japan in the movies ? Connery himself did another Japan movie much more recently - Rising Sun - a terrible crime drama, that seemed to focus on every stereotype they could dig up. Long boring narration on Japanese management (and why it is superior ;\) ) and the perversions of Japanese businessmen. Not exactly rivetting cinema.

  3. Weegoff - Milosovich`s arrest and capture were made possible by the United States led invasion, messy as it was. If the US had not decided to invade, what would Europe have done ? My best guess says still sitting on their hands, trying to come up with a diplomatic solution that would never come. Diplomacy doesn`t seem to do such a good job when it comes to dictators bent on genocide.


    He was arrested by police in his own country where he was held, until being transferred to the UN War Crimes Tribunal. I am not sure what any of that has to do with European powers, other than Europe`s role in the UN, which is no more significant than any other group of countries` role.


    But hey, if you can let me know - please do.

  4. Yeah I knew about the whole steroid thing. As much as I like watching him in the Terminator movies and Commando, I would hate it if he made it into office - he`s right wing lunatic material all the way.


    He can`t be president, as he was born in Austria, and the US olnly lets US born citizens run for presidential office.

  5. With regards to Kosovo, Milosovich, etc. there definately was a problem - large numbers of civilians were being killed based on their ethnicity.


    Ocean 11, I`m not saying that what the USA did was neccessarily right. Based on what I know, I think that bombing the hell out of the country was the wrong way to solve the problem. What I am saying is that Europe did nothing for a long time. Doing nothing seems to be what Europe is best at.


    I`ll be the first to admit I don`t know enough about this issue, or other world events for that matter - my news is mostly mainstream - can anybody suggest good non-mainstream news sites that aren`t rife with reports based on unreliable sources, or no sources at all, or that aren`t rife with opinion - sick of the crackpots.

  6. Clinton was great - he was smooth with the ladies, and he smoked weed. What more do you need for a president ?


    I mean the guys approval rating increased significantly after his whole sex scandal thing - you gotta be doin` something right to pull that one off.


    I think it was his charisma and character, that made America strong at the time - people were confident because we had a confident leader who appealed to other countries` governments.


    Plus I liked him, because half the people in the States started foaming at the mouth with rage at mere mention of his name. mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif

  7. Ocean11


    I try hard not to take cheap-shots, name call, or degrade anyone else`s opinion. I think it is ugly and pointless, fighting on an internet forum, that is. What does name calling or attacking someone accomplish except to alienate people who are on the board, and people who are thinking of joining the discussion? And yeah, personal attacks do bring down a board. Who wants to join a board where everybody gets harassed for their opinions. I don`t think people should agree with each other, but I don`t want to be somewhere where everybody is talkin` smack either - neither place is a good discussion. Really this isn`t so hard to see, from what I said before.


    As for my Africa`n AIDS disclaimer, It`s my wish that the people who are degrading other posters, or people who are eager to get into fights, whoever they are, I don`t care, but they should take it elsewhere - private messages, other forums whatever. Naming names is pointless, because it makes it look like I have personal problems with some people, and that I think I am perfect, or at least better then they are, when I don`t. I just don`t like the flaming. And yeah, I have been guilty of it myself once or twice in the past. It has just become much more prevalent as of late. I thought my message made all of this clear.


    Finally, I don`t get why you think my comments were aimed at you. You`ve seen the threads where it`s just back and forth name calling ? Those were my inspiration.

  8. When I speak Japanese, I make little effort, to actually sound like a Japanese person, granted I am still a beginner, but . . .


    I don`t really use the ever present expressions - "soo desu ne, soo desu ka, sumimasen (between every other sentence) etc. etc." and I don`t give affirmations between every stated fact in a conversation, the way I often hear folks doing, also


    Most Japanese men, I find, tighten their chests and throats and use a deeper than natural voice when they are speaking, maybe it`s just in certain situations, I don`t know.


    I like using the language, but I would like it less, if I actually had to force this kind of language behavior thing. The result is of course that I get funny looks, or Japanese folks need a short period of time to figure out why certain things are missing (I get alot of "moshi moshi" on the phone), but I really don`t want to change how I use the language, and seeing as I am not really selling anything at work, I don`t have to.


    So yeah, do you make an effort to sound Japanese when you speak Japanese, er uh no ?

  9. DISCLAIMER: So I don`t know why I am bringing this topic up, as I really don`t like the bad vibes that controversial topics bring up. Over the past few months, I think the level of conversation on the board has deteriorated considerably. I am all for healthy debate - but when people get personal, surfing this board feels more and more like surfing Japan Today, or one of many lame Enlgish Language Japan websites, which consist of a few people debating, and the rest of the people flaming each other, name calling, etc. just lame. Of course it is not my message board, and I don`t want to tell anyone what to do, but this is my favorite internet site by far, and there are other message boards where people can go and bash each other till the sun comes up. . .


    This board is only as good as the people on it.



    But anyway, bringing you another controversial topic - AIDS in Africa.


    It`s a bad situation and there is little hope. Alot of people say America should start medicating all of these folks. In some ways, I see their point. AIDS is having an incedible destabilizing effect on Africa - the sexually mature generation is quickly dying off, to the tune of 40-50% in some regions. And if a continent is destabilized to the point of collapse, it is bad for them and for the rest of the world. I also don`t like to hear about so much death and suffering, but I don`t really see how it is the United States or the West or anyone but Africa`s responsibility to fix this problem. AIDS is believed to have come from Africa, so the AIDS problem in Africa was not brought to them by anyone else. It is truly their problem, along with the rest of the world`s, now. I know there is rape associated with civil war, and have been taught that there is, in general a strong rape culture in Africa (If a man wants to have sex with a woman, there is little she can really do to say no). And I don`t really have much respect for these men who can`t stop having sex to save their own or their people`s lives, don`t see the point in spending tax money on keeping them alive. Education ? Yeah, I`d spend tax money on that, but it hasn`t exactly worked wonders in the States - I don`t know where the numbers are heading, but I think it is still up.


    So what do you think ? Will this problem be solved or what will happen to Africa ? What can/should the West/the USA do to help ?

  10. studies are easy to find on matters of psychology

    you just do a search on this website



    Here are a few abstracts that dispute the studies you are claiming, O11



    J Psychol. 2000 Mar;134(2):211-24. Related Articles, Links



    Psychological profile of pedophiles and child molesters.


    Murray JB.


    Department of Psychology, St. John's University, Jamaica, NY 11439, USA.


    Pedophiles and child molesters share some characteristics. Most are male, and they can be heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. Some prefer adult sex partners but choose children because they are available and vulnerable. The sexual abuse perpetrated may be a 1-time incident and may consist only of fondling. Penetration is unlikely with young children. Perpetrators' ages range from teens to midlife. Most victims are girls, and the perpetrator usually is a relative, friend, or neighbor. The home of the victim is often the setting for the incident. When boys are victims, sexual abuse may take place outside the home, and perpetrators may be strangers. Perpetrators of sexual abuse of children often claim that they themselves were victims of childhood sexual abuse. Psychological profiles are helpful but are compromised partly because many perpetrators are prisoners and control groups are lacking for this research.



    : Arch Sex Behav. 2000 Oct;29(5):463-78. Related Articles, Links



    Fraternal birth order and sexual orientation in pedophiles.


    Blanchard R, Barbaree HE, Bogaert AF, Dickey R, Klassen P, Kuban ME, Zucker KJ.


    Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Ray_Blanchard@camh.net


    Whether homosexual pedophiles have more older brothers (a higher fraternal birth order) than do heterosexual pedophiles was investigated. Subjects were 260 sex offenders (against children age 14 or younger) and 260 matched volunteer controls. The subject's relative attraction to male and female children was assessed by phallometric testing in one analysis, and by his offense history in another. Both methods showed that fraternal birth order correlates with homosexuality in pedophiles, just as it does in men attracted to physically mature partners. Results suggest that fraternal birth order (or the underlying variable it represents) may prove the first identified universal factor in homosexual development. Results also argue against a previous explanation of the high prevalence of homosexuality in pedophiles (25% in this study), namely, that the factors that determine sexual preference in pedophiles are different from those that determine sexual preference in men attracted to adults. An alternative explanation in terms of canalization of development is suggested.

  11. It`s legal in Vermont. Same sex marriages that is. Company benefits and civil rights are what they were after.


    Marriage has been diluted to a ridiculous level already - people marry for all kinds of crazy reasons - I know a bunch of folks who have married for citizenship. So if 2 people who don`t love each other, who have never and never will have sex, and who have no remote interest in raising each other`s children can get married, and it`s cool with the various gov`s around the world - "here`s our inspection team, matching his and her towels, check, see yah."@should be no reason to let a few gay folks call themselves married, get their company benefits, what have you. Hell many companies these days offer up benefits for same-sex partners. It`s all part of attracting the best employees.


    giving gay couples custody of children - I think that`s a different issue - and has nothing at all to do with whether or not they are married. Case by case of course, I wouldn`t stand up in favor or against it unless I knew the case. I think it should be regulated.

  12. If you are serious about wanting to smell better, there are two things you can do.


    1) take a long hard look at your eating habits for example - you should stop drinking soda, coffee, etc. if you are that is, and drink more water, juice. Some other examples - stay away from garlic and onions - really aromatic foods. Also stay away from junk foods with loads of additives. Eating healthier fresher food and cutting down your salt intake is what this is really about. Remember that almost everything you take in to your body comes out in some way shape or form - much of it through your skin.


    2) Start your day with some excercise - get that first sweat out of your pores, take your morning shower, and you should be in good shape for a while.

  13. So yeah, I was listening to Jonny Cash this morning, and I was amazed at the number of people who had glommed their big hits off of him - "I won`t back down" glommed by Tom Petty, that "One Love" song that U2 always does up so big, "Ring of Fire" that was done so well by Social Distortion and a few other artists, and it occured to me that the man was a really great songwriter.


    Some other obvious greats are Paul Simon, John Lennon, Bob Marley and Bob Dylan.


    As for the 90`s, I really like Tim Armstrong - Operation Ivy, Rancid - I think the man has alot of talent.


    Those are my picks, who are your`s ? ? ?

  14. They are, in fact, still around, and they hold their rallies in cities all over the US, in an effort to gather up publicity, and gain members, but in reality, all the hype is just that - hype - they are becoming ever-increasingly unpopular. . .


    as there are now enough hate groups in the US to taylor anyone`s particular brand of bigotry. Hell for most people, just check out your local religious organization for a lesson on who you can try to subjugate and repress.


    have a nice day \:\)

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