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Posts posted by barok

  1. superpipes have wider or longer

    transitions, depending on how you look at

    them, in any case, yes, they are less

    steeper, but with significantly

    more height than a half-pipe (5m vs 3m).


    when you are in a half-pipe it is like you

    are on a skateboarding half-pipe, because

    once you are done with one wall, you only

    have a split second to react to the next wall

    that is coming right up at you.


    riding a superpipe is more like riding

    downhill to toeside, than downhill to

    heelside. you can get waayyy more speed

    and height off the vertical.


    the longer/wider transitions almost guarentee

    that you won't land in the flat, a big

    problem when landing tricks in a normal



    the superpipe is bigger, safer, and better.

    they use the superpipe in most of the bigger

    contests, including the olympics.


    however, a superpipe dramatically favors

    the heavier male riders, as you really need

    gravity working for you in order to get

    enough speed to get up that 5 meter wall.


    when the superpipes first came about,

    accomplished females had a tough time even

    getting out. i think that is why you

    see the jockier, more muscular ladies (Kelly Clark)

    rockin' the top spots in the pipe, while the

    smaller girls are less consistent.

  2. what's wrong with that ?

    the whole thing is corrupt anywayz.

    might as well give them all gold like in the

    special olypmics.


    the french judge basically admitted to vote

    swapping and hooking the inferior russian

    team up with a higher score. why bitch

    about it ?


    did the Russians deserve gold ? - no

    did they get it ? - yes

    did the Canadians deserve gold ? - yes

    did they get it ? - yes, finally


    Go Canada.

  3. I think the majority of the best pipe riders were at the olympics.


    Sure there were a few notable exceptions, (Terje, Shaun White), but in some cases (White), they didn't qualify.


    I've heard alot of complaints about the judging, and it seems like popular opinion is that places 4-6 got robbed. Sure it's tough to judge an event like snowboarding, but I like badmigraines pipe jam format the

    best. There has to be a solution. The

    olympics are so corrupt. With the pairs figure skating contest (It was the Canadian team that got robbed, by the way), there has

    been allegations of predermined judging


    see www.olypmics.com for more info, but basically it amounts to vote trading by the judges, saying "i'll hook your team up in the next event, if you hook these guys up for this event" like the votes are already counted before the event begins.


    my estimation is not any kind of sympathy vote - snowboarding is not really the all-american sport anyways - i mean, sure it is big in the US and was invented in the US, but it's not like baseball or NFL football.

    probably just inconsistent/poor judging on the part of the officials, but not as bad as the pairs figure skating.


    also see www.transworldsnowboarding.com for some of the fans in attendance's reaction to the judging.


    and yes pipe skiing should be allowed in the olympics. those skiers make the snowboarding stunts look easy with the tricks that they can pull in the pipe. but that doesn't change the fact that snowboarding is still wayy more fun smile.gif


    most of these pros are

  4. yep it's the pipe dragon.


    basically, a bunch of snow is piled up over

    solid objects, my local hill uses crushed

    cars for the walls.


    and this machine digs through the center of

    it all, cutting out shaped edges.


    a good pipe will then be detailed, i.e.

    the high-floors on either side are flattened

    with a cat track, and the pipe will be

    mannually scraped with brushes until all of

    the angles are perfect.

  5. There was a huuuuge scandal going on with

    this year's salt lake city games.


    The head of the International Olympic

    Committee resigned over the whole thing.


    It was a bribery scandal where Salt Lake

    City business owners gave cash to IOC

    chairholders. Lotsa dirty money to be made.


    The Chairholders and business people alike

    shredded enough paper not to be indicted on

    bribery counts, despite sufficient testimony

    from witnesses. The case would have turned

    into a he said, she said case, and not one

    prosecutors thought they could win.


    It was well publicized, I'll see if I can

    find some news links. It all went down a

    year ago, and was in the mainstream media.


    I'm surprised you haven't heard about it.

  6. I'm with mogski,


    miteyak, telly-oz, if you are going to do

    nothing, not complain, assume that the

    corporates have it all correct, and just blend in to the herd, then why the posts,

    explaining your position ? if your going to

    do nothing, then do nothing.


    some of us want to ski/ride powder and off-

    piste, and the general consensus amongst

    those of us who do seems to be a simple

    complaint or petition to resort managers.

    either they will listen or they wont, i can

    think of no reason in the world why i should

    not express my views as a consumer.


    maybe some of us are more ambitious and want

    to shake up the industry, but you know what,

    that's possible too. you get a petition with

    1000 names on it and that's a big long list

    of potential customers to a resort manager.

    If each one of those skiers/riders were to

    put their names on something that says, I'll

    ride at your resort 5 times if you just get

    rid of some ropes, that's 5000 tickets *

    4000 yen = 20,000,000 potential yen.

    certainly nothing to scoff at, and certainly

    well above the added costs. now that is

    purely an example, but it could work and have

    genuine reprocussions, set new trends, etc.


    if it doesn't work then that's fine.

    we gave it our best shot. what's wrong with

    a little activism ?


    I wouldn't pretend to believe for a second

    that ropes are the reason that sales are

    declining, most japanese probably don't even

    consider passing the ropes, and of course

    a declining economy is the reason the

    recreational skier has hung it up. but


    if you you run a resort and want to increase sales, here's what you do: make your resort

    more attractive, more enjoyable, give it some

    spin that sets it apart.


    and i'm not sure i buy into the collusive

    oligopoly biz just on your word. I'd believe

    it if I saw some sources. In most capatalist

    countries, price fixing is illegal. I don't

    know about Japan.

  7. Oh yeah, plus, I see the Olympics as

    all-around weak. It's really just another

    sports competition, and a poorly organized

    one at that.


    I remember when I was a little kid, I was

    waayyy hyped on the Olympics, cuz it was

    sposed to be the best contest that only

    happened once every four years. It was

    attended only by amateurs, so it wasn't

    tainted by money and capatalism


    but as I got older, all the corruption

    alienated me, and then the pro atheletes,

    being allowed to compete, for the sake of

    TV ratings and the cash that they bring,

    then more corruption, and I don't give a



    Neither do most Americans. Hotel and

    Restaurant reservations in the Salt Lake Area

    are down 45% from last year. And there

    weren't any Olympics last year.


    The Olympic business is terrible this year,

    and sure you can chalk alot of that up to

    a bunk economy, and September Eleventh, you

    can also chalk alot of that up to the

    popularizing opinion that the Olympics are



  8. naaah crud is like the daughter of what you

    are describing Ocean.


    I would call the broken up stuff chowder,

    like not quite powder, but still nice and

    soupy. If you don't like that. you can

    call it mush or muck or you can just

    make something up, coin a phrase.


    After it gets baked in the sun for a day

    and chopped up even more, that's crud. the

    stuff that you eat through if you are riding

    hard an fast and straight on ex-powder.


    Other words for snow:


    pow - short for powder

    freshies - untracked powder, which leads to

    tracked - [Obvious]

    untracked - [Also Obvious]

    cold smoke - weird Western (US) word for powder

    corn - like sugar

    soft - [Obvious]

    hard - [Obvious]

    windblown - snow that looks like powder, but

    due to the sun and wind, rides like ice.


    i know there is more, just gotta sober up.

  9. yeah I listen to my own tracks.


    yeah It's a little known fact that I'm one

    out of five members of the latest smash hit

    boy band. we're called Tuesday's Child.


    We're going to rock the American Billboard

    Charts, and then it's over to Europe for the

    "European Invasion" and then on to Japan,

    where we'll have busloads of Japanese girls

    screaming our names. It's going to be great.


    I'm the bad-boy of the group. You can just

    talk to my agent.



  10. well I'll give you my impression,

    and I'd say I'm at the point where

    I can get down the mogul field,

    medium speed without falling,

    or maybe falling once.


    You need to learn how to tackle

    moguls when it's powdery. This is KEY.

    Like 10-20 cm of

    fresh powder, now I'm not talking

    first tracks here, but just enough snow to

    provide a forgiving cushion.


    you also don't need to make turns at

    every mogul starting out. do two moguls,

    turn, do two more moguls, don't get too

    much speed or you'll bail.


    it also helps if you can ride switch, so

    that your not lost when you need to rock back

    and forth if the mogul field is really steep.

    rock regular down mogul 1, rock switch down

    mogul 2.


    and of course practice, just keep it up.

    you'll get very VERY tired running moguls,

    but you simply won't get injured, so keep it

    up, and you'll get it in time.

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