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Posts posted by gamera

  1. It was very mistery for me how Santa Clause visits each house when I was a kid. Because the house I was raised up in had a chimney!! LOL

    Every year I tried to meet Santa to ask how he could get in my house through that tiny chimney while all the Santa pictures looked like he was very giant. But small kids can never be awaken so late, so everytime when I noticed I fell asleep, it was at the next morning when I found a red boot full of presents.


    Do you tell kids that Santa Clause lives somewhere or take their fantasy out?

  2. Hi StudyAbroad


    Maybe you need to know what ski slopes are closer to you first and how to get there. Maybe some around Echigo-Yuzawa work for your 1 day trip.




    If you need to rent your gears, I would say you had better rent some at the ski slope you visit. Actually it may be cheaper for you to rent them in Tokyo but what if they don't fit when you wear them at the date even if they fit when you try them at the rental shop in Tokyo? - This actually happens a lot.

    While you rent everything at a rental shop around the ski slope, you can choose what fit you at that date but if the gears you rent in a shop in Tokyo in advance, I don't think you can ask them to change them at that day because you are far away from them.


    Good luck. thumbsup.gif

  3. Zaru = basket.

    Baskets can pass liquor without limit, right?

    So when we call some heavy drinkers without limit, we call them "Zaru" in Japanese. This is a slang, not for formal occasions.


    If you found some parties drinking some alcohol around cherry blossom when they are in bloom, maybe you can get some if you talked to them "Watashi wa zaru desu" lol.gif

    Remember, Saru = monkey.

    Just one letter difference in English alphabet but it means a lot different.

  4. Maybe you can say "mou ii desuka?" to them. If it's busy lunch time, I think usually people don't occupy a table only with half full glasses cokes for 1 hour, do they?


    Also, I would get in a restaurant earlier than others do to avoid crowds, redvaseline. Especially when I have small kids with me coz they need much time only for small lunch - 1 hour or so.


    Avoid crowds, that's the key!


  5. Veronica, when something new shows up, I really don't get in rush to get it because there's usually some problems which are not found yet. I often keep observing how it goes and when people say it's okay, it's time for a careful oyaji to get it \:\)


    Yeah, Firefox could have many add-ons e.g. screen grab. You can extend it.

  6. Welcome! wave.gif

    Didn't know there's so many Hamilton-s in the world. I hope I won't misunderstand the Hamilton when some people talk about "a" Hamilton.


    By the way, why the abbreviation for Robert is "Bob" instead of "Rob" or something ?

    Just curious.


  7. big-will,


    魑魅魍魎= pronounced as "chi mi mou ryo"

    which would be translated into "evil spirits".


    This is not a daily use word. Maybe you can say something like


    "I felt chimimoryo when I got outside of my room after midnight."


    If you would like to know some daily use words, how about



    麒麟<-- If you were a heavy beer drinker, you must know this lol.gif

  8. Sometimes descriptions are editted by editors. When I had an interview over the phone from a newspaper company about running an accom which accepts foreign customers, I told them that....


    "Sometimes people don't understand rates system which is per person as is often the case in accom in Japan."


    But when I got the paper sent, I was surprised to find the description which said


    "Gamera COMPLAINS that foreign people don't understand........... " with my real name and accom name which might have given me damages.


    That was very embarrased ( not sure if this were a correct word or not )


    I didn't complain, just told the truth but editted like that!



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