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Posts posted by pdoull

  1. Snow junky, Good to hear you recovered your contour on insurance. Did it get questioned? I have heard a few stories now about people losing go pros and such, spending hours searching for them. If you don't mind me asking, how was the contour attached? I have been toying with idea of buying a camera eg go pro or contour or similar but not convinced with setup, on a pole or attached via a sticker. Maybe slr would be the go? Sounds like a new topic, not trying to hijack thread, so let me know.

  2. Last pair I had were briko brand, brought in Japan after trying a lot of Google's on and being very frustrated with fogging issues with an old pair - I think dragons. The brikos performed well but were left on heater too long and lenses warped and probably too old They looked even more like diving goggles than ski goggles - definitely not high in the cool stakes especially combined with a helmet.


    We brought some smith heiresses for the wife at the time after also fitting a lot, they were popular then and performed well but they too are fogging now.


    Do all new goggles fit better new or does the foam bed in to your face better after time? And what's correct use - once put on /don't touch?


    Still thinking of getting some eg2.5s as my backup pair as there is one thing I certainly agree on that having good goggles is up there with correct boots.


    The quest for the perfect goggles continues!

  3. Have just invested in some smith io's. They get good reviews online as do oakley - hope they perform as they were (I believe) pricey but may be if I didn't stack they wouldn't fog up. Took a bit of a punt with fit with head/ helmet. Have bought a few cheapies from aldi to compare but will be carrying a spare pair. One word of advice - dont leave them too close/ long on heater at lunch or end of day. The lenses may warp and you could be making an offering to the snow gods.

  4. I have only ever used free weights dumbells barbells and still use just those.

    I use a bench for chest and tricept work outs and a free wight squat rack.

    Actually need to build my own once I get to my new house.

    I am old school when it comes to working out.


    Starting to get back into the weights.

    My leg press is way down now I can only do 380kg for 8 reps now.

    I was doing 500kg at 8 reps.

    Arm curls are down to a weak 40kg down from 65.


    Good insentive to workout harder.


    you can bicep curl 40kgs?! You must have arms like tree trunks!


    And 380kgs......do u mean lbs? Or are you built like Arnold Schwarzenegger ?


    My thoughts too. Must be massive!

  5. With the talk re: burgers and food it got me thinking about diet which is important part when trying to get rid of the jelly belly. I recently scanned through a health/lifestyle video and the general gist was a high protein / low carb diet combined with exercise. I have been trying this diet with an approach of trying to eat healthy re: unprocessed foods , cutting down on sugar (which was described as white death in video) and without too many treats.

    In the video they gave three examples for a healthy protein breakfast -eggs on toast, turkey meat on toast, and another cold meat on toast. Not a lot of variety there.

    Just wondering if any one has some more meal suggestions or good ideas?

  6. That's the 10,000 yen a day deal it looks like. Pretty tough to beat that. Man...if I was more enterprising I would buy a slightly used rig and rent it out for 8000 yen a day. :confused: ... ;)


    I can get my wife to call around a bit for you.


    PM me your details.

    If you find a better deal Chriselle. Could you please let me know too?

    Thanks in advance.


    Also, not sure about how to pm or do you get those details when I quoted your post?

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