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Metabo Oyaji

SnowJapan Member
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Posts posted by Metabo Oyaji

  1. Yeah, after a while you will give up on trying to pluck weeds, and just whack them.

    The soil here seems to be incredibly fertile.


    The owner of the empty lot next to us just plows it all under with a roto-tiller attachment to his tractor periodically to keep the weeds down. He used to spray some Agent Orange-like stuff around to kill everything, but that has apparently become frowned upon in recent years.

  2. Well it was on, last night.


    Here is one of the Golden Bombers, bombing out:



    Except for the bit where he bombed it looks a bit easier than previous years. This used to be on TV in NZ, with an English voice over.


    That first stage did look a bit easier. The second and third ones had some tough-looking new additions.


    They have an American version as well.....it's called American Ninja


    They had one of the champions from that on this time. He had apparently been champion of the Southeast Asian Sasuke tournament (this thing is really going global now), but he fell off the Crazy Cliffhanger in stage 3 where they have to jump from one side to the other, as did most of the other guys who made it that far.


    Two guys did make it to the fourth, final stage, but they both failed to make it up in time.

  3. A couple of sources say TBS Midoriyama Studio, on the outskirts of Yokohama. Satellite view doesn't show any of the set, but there is a big empty lot to the upper left that may be it. I guess they must build it from scratch then tear it down completely each time?



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