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Posts posted by tokabochi

  1. I don't think "everyone" does actually.


    Well, I don't think I do have a price to get me to live there, no. I am lucky to be fairly comfortably off anyway and I'm not the kind who seeks out material things.... simply don't need to be mega rich. I would rather be scraping by living where I do.

  2. I'm writing this on the Joetsu Shinkansen on my way back to a reasonable pace of life in rural Niigata. What a day. Had a few meetings and did a bit of shopping, but I'm exhausted and I got to admit I really don't like visiting Tokyo now. The train is chocca, the Yamanote at 6:30 was unbearably full - and smelly - who would want to experience that every day? Must be mad if you ask me. Even the shopping has lost the appeal that it used to have because now we can get anything online so easily.


    Wouldn't live there for 5 times what I earn now.


    Rant over.



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