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Posts posted by tokabochi

  1. Help me, I'm in hell. Only it's raining. Like real rain, not fiery rain which makes me suspicious that I'm actually back on earth after all. But that's exactly the kind of tricks that are played upon the lost souls of hell.


    One more month then It's off to koh samui for a month of tourismtefling and finding an appropriate job in my beloved kankoku... Which ill obviously come to hate sometime around the end of the season, but in grand news, new gears coming in soon and I held off burning my hook up, so still have 750 bucks of stuffs coming my way as long as true snow survive their incredibly quiet off season :) alas no new stories to share, saving cash.


    you drunk ippy? ;)

  2. That is a big problem here in Japan too which is why all plots of land have boundary markers to stop that exact problem.

    But sometimes people stick a fence up maybe just a cm or two beyond the centre line and you have a big problem going on then.


    How does that work, snowdude?

    It is a line that you can do anything on 'your side' of?

    There's no things like shared walls here?

  3. I think most building projects in these parts need to get their structure up by the end of July to get finished in time for snowfalls.

    With most starting in May/June, it only gives about 2 months window for that first part.

    There's quite a few going up here now.

    And yes the weather is extremely unpredictable, the forecasts are pretty useless at the moment.

  4. High levels of a toxic radioactive isotope have been found in groundwater at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant, its operator says.


    Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) said tests showed strontium-90 was present at 30 times the legal rate.


    The radioactive isotope tritium has also been detected at elevated levels.


    The plant, crippled by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, has recently seen a series of water leaks and power failures.


    The tsunami knocked out cooling systems to the reactors, which melted down.


    Water is now being pumped in to the reactors to cool them but this has left Tepco with the problem of how to safely store the contaminated water.


    There have been several reports of leaks from storage tanks or pipes.


    Strontium-90 is formed as a by-product of nuclear fission. Tests showed that levels of strontium in groundwater at the Fukushima plant had increased 100-fold since the end of last year, Toshihiko Fukuda, a Tepco official, told media.


    Tritium, commonly used in glow-in-the-dark watches, was found at eight times the allowable level.


    A Tepco official said that samples from the sea showed no rise in either substance and the company believed the groundwater was being contained by concrete foundations.


    But the discovery is another set-back for Tepco's plan to pump groundwater from the plant into the sea, correspondents say.

  5. I just had to phone someone up in Osaka.

    Wasn't quite prepared for how different the accent and way they talk is down there.

    I suppose here in thos part of Japan I am used to Niigata and Tokyo kind of talk.

    I could hardly understand a word of what he said.

    Quite funny actually. I think I muddled through.


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