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It would be a big mistake I believe.Instead of combating terrorism would just encourage more impressionable young men to blow up innocent people. Hopefully it won't happen now that Aunty UN has managed to put her false teeth back in.

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We are doomed to repeat history because we never learn..


The plain and simple truth is that "Religion will be the death of us ALL"...


and before the mis-directed and disenfranchised youth on this board start yapping about atheism and anti-religion retoric.. It is not "Religion's" fault - it is the fault of "PEOPLE" who are fundamentalists be they Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc..,


I happen to believe that we all, in some way or another, worship a higher power... whether that power be God, Allah, Buddha, POWDER or Cheese for that matter...


These conflicts have been fought by the same people in the same parts of the world for the past 3,000 years or so and everytime the "Civilized" world gets involved we find ourselves attacked - sometimes - by both protractors who started it in the first place...


We should learn to keep our noses out....


Don't get me wrong - we all know that there are plenty of self serving zealots (read as "our political leaders ) out there who are waiting to divy up the loot when the smoke has cleared...


And you are right when you say that generations of youth are taught to hate their neighbors.. Northern Ireland is a prime example of children being indoctranated into hatred for reasons they do not fully understand....mostly because there is no credible explanation.. just because.. a kinda of Irish Shikattiganai...


With regard to the current unrest in the world's hotspots..


Some people would say (humour on \:\) )


"Kill em all and let God sort 'em out"


Whereas I say


"Give 'em all guns and let them sort themselves out"




BTW: This is the first time I can say that I would really like to hear from cheeseman without all the Cheesey crap.... His profile says he is from "Yemen" and if this is not a lie then I would like to hear his non-cheese fundamentalist point of veiw on all of this...



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Originally posted by danz:
too late for that davo... \:\(
guess what palestinian children learn in their schools, and from their community leaders???

Unlike the Israelis, who learn peace, love, and goodwill to all men.
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