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BJ and the bear.

Greatest American Hero.

Jamie and the magic torch (for the theme song).

Banana Splits (Cars).

Hong Kong Phooey ;\)


and best of all (and from japan)






i want to see an undubbed version!

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Actually MistaS, the monkees ARE a real band...they were created as a hoax, but ended up turning into the real deal...including playing their own instruments, writing their own music, and even touring...


in fact, their 3rd album, Headquarters (entirely performed and composed by the monkees), I believe was ranked #2 or #3 on the Billboard Charts in 1967...guess who #1 was, the Beatles with Sgt. Pepper...


so keep your chin up MistaS, dreams do come true!



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yah...I probably was at that tour...


it was my very first concert ever...went with my best friend and his mom lol.gif

and yes, the were old and washed up and sucked...

weird al stole the show



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Even when they were being hyper-produced like the boy bands of today, the Monkees had good songwriters working on their tunes. Believer, Clarksville, Pleasant Valley Sunday etc are all well-written original tunes. The horrible thing about produced bands now is the meaningless note-for-note covers and all-too-predictable originals they get to sing.


After they got "serious", the Monkees made that wacky psychedelic film "Head". It's well worth checking out. I used to be well fond of the Nesmith tune "Circle Sky", which they're shown doing live. I seem to remember the Indian tune (party scene) being pretty good too. Come to think of it, the orchestrated theme tune "Porpoise Song" is another goodie. Penned by Carole King if I remember correctly.


I used to be really into Pebbles/Nuggets type garage bands, so I may be a bit weak for things of this ilk. I've not seen that film for maybe 15 years, but I'd definitely recommend it.

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The Incredible Hulk - you wouldn`t like me when I`m angry.

The Jeffersons

Threes Company

The Facts of Life

Hawaii Five-O - was good, although I didn`t get to see it that often.

Hill Street Blues - I still watch re-runs when I can find them

And I used to love that show where Michael Landon was an Angel, and would rock around and help people. Forget the name though.

And yeah, Chips, Night Rider, the A-Team, and MacGyver are classic.

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Incredible Hulk comes out June 20 in the US, but I don`t know about what that means for Japan. I really like (director) Ang Lee`s stuff, but I am not sure about the CGI hulk myself, I mean he`s huge - A smaller version would be more believeable, I guess. Haven`t read any early reviews either.


Yay! I hit 700 posts. Been lagging as of late, as there are about a million people here now with 1000+

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