Karnidge 2 Posted September 5, 2003 Share Posted September 5, 2003 OK, lets see who does what in this situation. OK, you're driving along on a road with a single lane each way. You're in no rush, but many other people may well be, and you're driving slow. Do you: a) pull over to the side at an opportune moment and let the people behind you overtake; speed up even tho you don't want to (or can't, for some reason); c) completely ignore the long line forming behind you and increasingly irate drivers and just continue at the same speed and don't pull over. Most people on the roads round where I live seem to choose c). Link to post Share on other sites
mikazooki 0 Posted September 5, 2003 Share Posted September 5, 2003 i don't like the line behind, if im not in a hurry i pull over frequently. i was told when in california that state law requires u to pull over when there are more than 5 cars behind you (i was taking a public bus to yosemite, but the driver thought it was a tour and wouldnt shut up...this was the only interesting thing he had to say) but it would also be helpful if people learned to overtake, instead of sitting behind and complaining. the english can overtake. in my experience, the only nationality who can. it should be a taught skill. Link to post Share on other sites
scoobydoo 0 Posted September 5, 2003 Share Posted September 5, 2003 I've noticed that too - never have I seen any slow coach in this country pull over to let others pass. Link to post Share on other sites
sexy-northerner 0 Posted September 7, 2003 Share Posted September 7, 2003 Pull over. It drives me nuts when slowies just continue on their merry way without noticing the 40 cars piling up behind them. Link to post Share on other sites
snowboard_freak 0 Posted September 7, 2003 Share Posted September 7, 2003 I'm pretty there is a similar law in HK mika. Markie can probably confirm that for us. I think if you had 5 cars behind that you had to pull over to let them pass. On second thoughts that may have only been for trucks and buses. Not sure. Link to post Share on other sites
Weegeoff 0 Posted September 8, 2003 Share Posted September 8, 2003 Where I live it is very rural.With single track roads with passing places.Most people will pull over in to a passing place and let you pass.But you do get one or two who dont.Even when they pass a great big sign saying Pull in to allow overtaking and they drive you mad Link to post Share on other sites
TheOrange 0 Posted September 8, 2003 Share Posted September 8, 2003 Where abouts in Scotland are you Weegeoff? Link to post Share on other sites
rach 1 Posted September 8, 2003 Share Posted September 8, 2003 I might be driving soon, so I'll let you know if and when! Link to post Share on other sites
Ocean11 0 Posted September 8, 2003 Share Posted September 8, 2003 I'm English so I overtake. It often means I have to overtake over single orange lines which you're not supposed to do. I really hate the 'dash out and crawl' technique, most commonly used by people in kei trucks. Last year I decided to skimp on highway tolls and drive to Hakuba by the Akashina - Omachi back route. At every single junction on that long road, there was a kei truck. The driver would see me coming (at 70 kph) dash out really fast, and then slow down to 40 kph or less. Every time I overtook one of the little bastards, crossing the do not cross line, there would be another one waiting at the next junction to dash out and crawl. Sometimes it just wasn't possible to overtake, due to some annoyance like a town, or another kei truck coming the other way. Then visions of melting snow and multiplying tracks swam before my eyes and made a tight knot in my stomach. I vowed never to try to get through Matsumoto/Akashina and always to bypass it on the highway. Link to post Share on other sites
mibby1 0 Posted September 8, 2003 Share Posted September 8, 2003 I HATE that too, it drives me insane. Link to post Share on other sites
Laura 0 Posted September 10, 2003 Share Posted September 10, 2003 I had a crash recently where someone pulled out in front of me without looking. Luckily I wasn't to blame,. Link to post Share on other sites
justaddwater 0 Posted September 11, 2003 Share Posted September 11, 2003 No-one hurt? If someone gets hurt, blame usually goes to the person who hits them rather than who was actually at fault Link to post Share on other sites
grungy-gonads 54 Posted September 12, 2003 Share Posted September 12, 2003 I ****ing hate that kind of driver, O11. Yesterday, I was behind this old bloke who must have been going about 20km/h on a road where overtaking is difficult. He got in front of me by pulling out, making me have to slam on the brakes and nearly crash into the back of him. When he did that amazing move, there were no cars behind me for about 500 meters Link to post Share on other sites
Sharon 0 Posted September 13, 2003 Share Posted September 13, 2003 I GET SOOOO PISSED OFf DRiving (yes, I'm calming down now) In Japan. They donT regard any driving etiquette at all (but they are totally anal about jaywalking!!!) Why do I have to spenda full day at a lecture in Japanese just to get my license renewed, when they overtake on both sides, hog the outside lane when crawling along at 40 totally adjacent to a similar crawler and I cant squish by, 5 cars flip past a red traffice light, taxis drop dead in the middle of the road just coz they spot someone walking whi might want a ride, Yankee types (the Japanese version, not a slur)getroad rageif u even dare to overtake them and then they follow u completely on your heel making u scared to brake even if a pensioner is crossing, people decide a fraction of a second before that theyre going to turn right making you stuck on the outside lane behind them while all the snails catch up and snigger as they crawl past.............I could go on and on but maybe I've made my point Link to post Share on other sites
Ocean11 0 Posted September 13, 2003 Share Posted September 13, 2003 Yeah, the nutters that get bent out of shape when overtaken are weird. Early one morning on my way to Hakkers I overtook some bearded monkey in one of those laughable Suzuki Jimnys with the moped engine, as he didn't seem too interested in getting anywhere. As soon as I passed him, he revved up to as fast as his crate would go and passed me, clutching the wheel with a look of simian rage on his face, and the Jimny shaking and vibrating fit to fall to bits. He then suddenly veered across the road and turned right so fast that the wheels on one side left the ground. I'm glad I can muster a bit more composure than that. Link to post Share on other sites
@tokyo 14 Posted September 19, 2003 Share Posted September 19, 2003 Bad drivers are everywhere. Ever been to France? Link to post Share on other sites
enderzero 0 Posted September 20, 2003 Share Posted September 20, 2003 That law is similar in most American states. Mikazooki - did you enjoy Yosemite? I just went there last week. Man that place is amazing. A few pics here . Link to post Share on other sites
mikazooki 0 Posted September 21, 2003 Share Posted September 21, 2003 yeah, man. i went in the middle of winter. stayed at sunnyside for 7 nights. in summer it takes over 200 tents. for 4 out of 7 nights i was the only person there. hiked up into the snow for some amazing views of awesome places. hired snowshoes one day and rode a snowboard for the first time at badgers pass. winter is definitely primo yosemite time Link to post Share on other sites
enderzero 0 Posted September 21, 2003 Share Posted September 21, 2003 Yeah, I saw some crazy pics from the winter time. Most of the park is pretty unaccessible though isn't it? We drove from the east side, across Tuolumne, down into Yosemite Valley, and out the west. Pretty amazing sights. Link to post Share on other sites
snowboard_freak 0 Posted September 21, 2003 Share Posted September 21, 2003 Now thats a cliff drop and a half! Sheesh! Link to post Share on other sites
BigSausage 0 Posted September 22, 2003 Share Posted September 22, 2003 Whoah! Anyone ski off that one! Link to post Share on other sites
mikazooki 0 Posted September 22, 2003 Share Posted September 22, 2003 the park is inaccessible in the winter to those with of that mindset. i walked all day down a closed trail until i reached an impassible area that had turned into an ice cliff. but i caught up with some guys out there who were camping for 4 days in the BC. (in fact the only reason i persisted down said closed path was that i was following footprints - meaning it wasnt really closed - but please note i do not condone walking trails closed for rehabilation reasons) u just need a lot more gear in the winter. and the passes thru the middle of the park are all closed to vehicles, meaning getting to many places becomes a hardcore mission. Link to post Share on other sites
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