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After O11s "gardening" thread concerning his wife's new hairstyle (frizzcut - maybe, we don't have evidence to know what it actually is like). What's your fave hairstyle on a gal (and for you gals, on a bloke).


I'm into long flowing dark hair way past the shoulders myself, something Japanese can excel at if they don't screw it up with ridiculous color and perm disasters.


Your preferences ladies and gentlemen.

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I dunno what the conceptual difficulty is here. Haven't you seen Non-No or any of those other girlie mags where all the models have their hair hanging in tatters like cartoon bomb victims? It sort of sticks to the scalp and then hangs down like rat's tails. I just managed to stop short of saying 'I coulda done a better job with a knife and fork'. Not my favourite style as you might be able to tell.


I like Japanese women with those war-time bobs and natural eyebrows, but they're about as common as the nihon ookami these days.

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