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My copy of FHM Mag came yesterday.

I got a free diary with it. In it, there is a listing of Rubbish Countries. Here's what it says for Japan:



Unhealthy obsession with schoolgirls and their panties, most expensive country in the world, some of the worst indigenous pop music on the planet, extremely overcrowded. And do you really want your toilet to talk to you?



You can get beer from vending machines.



Fooling the rest of the world into believing that standing up in front of a roomful of drunks and singing to backing tracks is a good idea.



Standing up in front of a roomful of drunks and singing to backing tracks.



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I got that too.


WORLD OF RUDE (silly place names).


1 Anus (Philippines)

2 Bastard (Norway)

6 Bumbang (Australia)

10 Clit (Romania)

11 Crap (Albania)

12 Cum (Brazil)

14 Dildo (Canada)

22 Intercourse (USA)

23 Labia (Belgium)

25 Little Dix Village (West Indies)

27 Minge (Haiti)

30 Pis Pis River (Nicaragua)

34 Sexmoan (Philippines)

35 Shag Island (Indian Ocean)

38 Tong Fuk (Honshu, Japan) confused.gif

39 Turdo (Romania)



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FHM is one of the man laddie mags here in the UK - I think there are other versions in other countries. A mix of women, general lad stuff, sex, fashion, entertainment. I think it used to be better than it is now.

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Originally posted by mumbojumbo:

Unhealthy obsession with schoolgirls and their panties
Unhealthy? Avoid it? Geeeeez, why the hell are we here.
& they didn't mention BOOTS?
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I thought I was immune to the schoolgirl allure after all these years - goddamn it, I nearly crashed my car yesterday because of two schoolgirls pushing their bikes up the steep hill to my house, leaning forward in their short plaid skirts...

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I almost crashed my computer reading that.


Short skirts are great. In some cases the puffy socks look good as well. They look good. I almost crash my bike when this one girl walks past me. Really short skirt and white puffy socks. Nice.

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