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My TVs going mad. It seems ok for 30 minutes or so, then suddenly the channels start changing without me doing anything at all - its as if I'm sat there with the remote zapping away. As you can imagine, it makes it almost unwatchable.


I'm holding on to a bit of hope that it is a small problem, but at the back of my mind it seems that its kapput.


Anyone have any idea that might give me hope that I don't need a new box??

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Just ignoring the petty handbags that's going on for a moment .....


Something similar happened to my tv a couple of years back and I took it to an electric shop (that happens to have a good friend on staff). They were able to fix it.


It was a fairly new tv though - how old is your box?

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If you live in a densely populated area (just abotu everywhere in Tokyo) you could consider the fact that someone living close by has the same model and everytime they use their remote your TV picks it up.


A highly remote chance I know, but nonetheless is food for thought.

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