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I had a throbbing headache this morning. Probably has a lot to do with the 5 bottls of beer last night. (And to think 10 years ago, that would have been nooooo problem.... \:\( ).


Anyway, came to think about a friend back at college who actually DRANK MORE when they were in that state, in the morning. And I've heard of people who drink all day and just keep on going....


I just can't get that. This morning I would have puked violently if I had even had a faint whiff of any alcohol - probably still would now!

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I'm the same. The slightest smell of alcohol the next day has my head spinning. Hangovers really are terrible, and they seem to be much easier to get these days.

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That does not do it any more I'm afraid. What that does these days is make me get up 6 or 7 times in the night to go to the toilet, leaving me exhausted (and still throbbing) in the morning.


Time is the only sure cure for a hangover. The presence of small children who don't understand these things can make a hangover seem far worse and can significantly impede recovery.

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One beer, one water, one beer, one water... works a treat, you drink less beer, and stay hydrated. Learned that gem in taiwan where they actually served you the water between drinks.


Even better, bring along some dioralytes to slip in the water between beers... ;\)


(the fingers down the throat before bedtime can also bias toward the lighter side of death in severe cases)

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