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to each their own, personally I didnt jump on the bandwagon with that movie I viewed it and judged it critically and thought it was average. Long and slow. Maybe it was because I dont rate Liam Neeson in general.

As a human interest story/documentary it sure is intriquing though but the "movie" per se disappointed.

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That schmalzy grave scene at the end is the pits.


I don't know what it is with people, but Malcolm X (shame on you Spike Lee) and Saving Private Ryan (the laughable "was I a good man?" one) had similar cringeworthy bits tacked onto the end to ram home a message that should be obvious from the preceding two hours.


They might as well start the end credits with a big sign saying "THIS FILM WAS MEANINGFUL, OKAY?"

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I saw it for the first time last night. Enjoyed it, thought it was really well made. What's with the girl in red? Any particular meaning apart from pointing her out, so to speak?


The ending does suck big time though, spoils it.

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