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We probably talk about this kind of thing every year. But it's time to start moaning about heat and humidity, so a new grumble thread sounds called for.


So, what do you do to cool down? (apart from sit in an air-con freezed room lol.gif )

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Apart from the last bit about the aircon...


•wear a light cotton T-shirt under yer shirt

•think slow, move slow... try to get myself into a low met. trance when moving around outside, never rush.

•avoid carrying anything

•keep time between aircons to a min., plan each mini excursion down to each cool-off spot


seems to be all that really works, being as my chuaffeur's on an extended vacation...

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Ahhh Indo, the old frozen fruit box. Great stuff that is. Does anyone remember the "Frosty Mugs" made by decor. Pour in your drink, leave for a few minutes then stir and shazam......slushee fun.


Do japanese sweat less? The lack of deodorant for men got me thinking, combined with the fact that yesterday was as hot as hades and I was the only guy on the Ginza wearing shorts. wakaranai.gif

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Originally posted by Dims:
I was the only guy on the Ginza wearing shorts.
Do European wear shorts? When I see a man wearing shorts in the city, I always think he must be an American or Australian.
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dude, no!


now i have images of guys in sandals with their tshirts tucked in to short shorts, filling the streets of seattle.


short shorts should have died with the things that died many ages ago.


guys' knees should always be hidden from public view. no excuses.

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You nailed it mikazooki. Fortunately, summer doesn't usually last too long in Seattle. Actually, short shorts are definitely a thing of the past. Just try to find shorts without cargo pockets these days. BTW - that is a killer avatar man.

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I have forgotten what warmth and heat are. Hell, even when I go to Las Vegas I bring snow with me (It was December though).


If it's above 18 or so, it's shorts and slaps all the way for me. Must be my time in Hawaii has stuck with me.


I don't think I've seen too many japanese wear shorts - even on the warmer days at the beach. Odd.

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