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AET / JET Program - the poll

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OK so there's lots of discussion in the other AET thread, I thought it might be a good idea to get the general opinion (instead of just a few strongly opinionated and vocal people).


So - JET Program - good or not

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lol.gif You are a funny individual aren't you?


help you to feel better about it without addressing any points of substance...
Nooooo, as I said, I thought it might be a good idea to get the general opinion (instead of just a few strongly opinionated and vocal people).


And it seems that it is getting a response from people as well, which was the whole idea behind it.


Over to you and your 'wit'.

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You must remember AET that you leave yourself open to attack by The Intelligent One by not writing watertight essays explaining every single point and opinion. You should know better lol.gif A poll quickly gathering a general opinion is obviously not sufficient.

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Its good for the eikaiwa business, its good for lots of people I know that have done/are doing it, its good for students I assume and its good for me.


But if I was paying for it I would scrap it in favor of something else.

For the students the JET program is like taking the bus but paying for the shinkansen. The bus may be good, it may get me where I want to go, but if I'm spending so much money on it that I could take the "great" shinkansen I would always choose that over a bus - even if the bus drivers were having a great time and getting lots of money and think that the bus is "good".



(guess who can see the bus stop and the shinkansen station from where he is sitting.)

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Well, if you'd put yer balls on the block and set up the poll to find out how many jets vs non-jets like the program, we'd have some statistics that mean something more than the obvious, ie, a very large percentage of site users here are jet/aets.


Answer number two is the default answer for anyone participating in the jet program who has any sense of self-worth.

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Answer number two is the default answer for anyone participating in the jet program who has any sense of self-worth.
I totally disagree with that.
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Who, with a sense of self-worth, would continue to work for an organisation that they believed was a waste of money, providing next to no benefits, or more to the point, who would admit that to themselves or others?

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How would you interpret 'generally not good' and 'awful' if not from a cost-benefit analysis, in fact, isn't the poll basically asking individuals to reflect on these aspects? I wouldn't work on a project for which I had that opinion.


But by concentrating on my use of language you're missing my point. It would be more interesting/constructive to view the statistics if major components of bias were transparent (ie. opinions vs investment in program).

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It would be more interesting/constructive to view the statistics if major components of bias were transparent (ie. opinions vs investment in program).
Agreed, that would be more interesting.

It still makes your initial "judging by the poll results, around two-thirds of respondents..." rather worthless.
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Well, the wink indicates that I didn't take my comment seriously, but it could be true... as true as any other conclusion as could be drawn from this poll..


such as, 30% of respondents were jets hated the program


60% of respondents voted from hearsay, and liked what they heard


etc. etc.


which, let's face it, makes the whole poll, er... rather worthless

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