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Good movies you've seen recently

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Last night I watched Perfect Murder. Another of those Michael Douglas ones where he plays, well, Michael Douglas. Actually it was quite entertaining.


(Can't see much appeal in Gwynth Paltrow, I suppose it must be that she can make drumsticks).

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Perhaps you should stop looking up your own asshole.

I saw Alvin and the Chipmunks 3.   I would like to kill all chipmunks and all people called Alvin.

I reckon he stole more than a loaf of bread. 100 more like

I saw Spierman 3 last night, wasn't that keen. Too many things going on. I've recently gone off action movies it seems.


Superman Returns was a real bore.

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I got dragged to Spiderman 3 and regret it now. I was in a pretty bad mood in general that day though, it might have had something to do with it.


Lots of Brits don't like Little Britain, spook. Perhaps you read The Sun online and also think it's foggy in London all the time. ;\) ;\)


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Just saw 'Next'. It was pretty good. It stars Nicolas Cage (who I normally hate)and he did a good job. Julianne Moore was horrendous as the fbi agent. It's based on a Philip K. Dick book so that's prob why I liked it.

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watched donnie darko again last night. haven't seen it for a few years now and couldn't remember much about it, except that it was bloody good.

still is.

fantastic film

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