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If you got trapped under a few meters of snow...

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Something that isn't explicitly stated above (I think), but is clear if you read between the lines, is that your chances of survival decrease exponentially the longer you're buried. You want to be dug up in 15 mins really. This is a very short time if you factor in the confusion, organisation, search, and digging. Thus you should be well-practiced in all this. After 30 min, as said, you have less than 50% survival chances. Your chances plumit after that.


Most (but obviously not all) people dug up are dead. That's not an argument against beacons and gear, it's just a strong argument to rely on knowldege and judgement much more than gear. I like to take both gear and knowledge with me. I also like to go with friends who not only have both, but who are happy to share their oppinions when we're making decisions.


Why isn't there a spell check here so (at least in my office) I can hide behind technology?

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This is a very short time if you factor in the confusion, organisation, search, and digging
Indeed it is a very short time. It's also a very humbling experience groveling around on av debris - an entirely different ballgame than practicing on normal snow.
One point which I consider to be very important and something which by my observations on the mountain seems to be taken for granted,is group leadership. Even among well travelled 'buddies' it's necessary to discuss what the plan is and who is taking the lead. This saves a lot of time if the 'shit hits the fan'. Someone has to take the leadership responsibility and it's to late to figure it out once a situation exists.
On a different note it's snowing again in Naeba and having just spent the last 3 days on the bulldozer clearing my place up - I am not happy. It's not all single malt and powder days living in the ski area, it's times like this I wish I was a 'weekend warrior'.
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