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I can certainly think of lots of places I'd rather have closed than Arai. I suppose if someone does snap it up and open it this year they will get a lot of publicity out of doing just that. They'll have missed all the deadlines for the guides and things by a long margin of course.

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Don't see why they couldn't . . but. . .


Wouldn't the banrupt owner and/or bank have already sold off all saleable assets including lifts, snow-making equip, etc.???


And aren't property taxes assessed to whoever owns a property on Jan 1?? Thats certainly not an insignifanct hunk of change on a multi-million $ prop.






I would be extremely surprised if anyone bought any of it at this point.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i dont shout or put in little smiles too much effort. In all seriousness it really cant open now unless someone has kept the place up to snuff. Then there is the marketing etc. Any company would loose a fortune trying to start up now.

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  • SnowJapan Admin

I have just spoken to the people in charge of accounts for the old company to try to find out.


Apparently the decision as to whether anyone will be opening the resort this season will be made next week and so there may be some Arai news coming your way soon... (unfortunately said new company won't be paying unpaid bills \:\( )

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Fark SJ thats not cool.

Still a bit late in the game to even try to start this puppy up and make coin. I wish the thing would just die. It makes no sense to try and get this place going again really, Places like JA that hold things together are just plain silly.

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If you know Japanese




 経営難のため7月に営業停止した妙高市のスキ 540;場を核とした総合レジャー施設「新井リゾート」 が今冬の営業を断念し、来季の営業再開を目指す 371;とが4日、同社関係者の話で分かった。

 施設関係者によると、営業停止後に経営母体と 394;った外資系投資会社が、複数の企業と営業再開の 交渉を続けていた。だが経営形態が整わず、スキ 540;シーズンを前に営業告知なども間に合わないこと から、今冬は断念。4日までに、元の運営会社で 305;別清算中の「新井リゾートマネジメント」(妙高 市、小島弘清算人)側に伝えた。同社の小島清算 154;は「営業断念は来シーズンの再開が前提。雪崩防 止などの除排雪や施設メンテナンスは続ける」と# 441;している。

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