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A silly observation, but why do so many Japanese skiers and boarders wear facemasks... when it's warm outside!?


I noticed this last year during spring skiing and also just yesterday at Karuizawa, at midday both days it was about +10C. But some people still insisted on going with the bank robber look for reasons I couldn't figure out (some were in t-shirts).


Yeah, some Japanese people are fond of saying "samui" even when it's not cold outside, so is that why or is it fashionable? :p

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Originally posted by Fattwins:
You can blame that fad on Shawn White
I like the way everyone ignored this (correct) answer, and carried on with their teeth jokes - don't you guys take your fashion SERIOUSLY!

ha ha, sorry, just kidding.

Fattwins - i wondered if Shaun White took the idea from Japan (that is now popular in Japan, and USA, because of him) - maybe cos the air temperature in N. Japan in cold, and people do wear face masks quite alot there???

Not that it's in any way important....
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A couple of quick things


1)I think Shaun White may have gotten the idea in Japan too, because i saw some Japanese riders doing it before i saw Shaun doing it in the ads and movies


2)Its kinda a stupid thing anyways, because the bandanas freeze and are pretty uncomfortable


3)And i am suprised at the quick turnaround of snowboard chic. When i was in Whistler last year, i heard lots of stories about Japanese kids going to the tanning booths with their goggles on so that they could HAVE a goggle tan.


And seriously, which do you prefer when meeting a hot boarder on the slopes, and he/she takes their goggles off. Pasty white skin, or the reverse raccoon?


i luv girls with goggle tans.

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