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No I havn't

To far for me and that's saying something


Montoya snowboarded up there last Spring and you can read all about it here


I don't believe that Yari has a skiable line off it's summit. Maybe after a big storm but the final pinacle gets really wind blasted

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I think it's "Yarigatake".


Like Toque mentioned the wind is pretty severe up there. I haven't seen much snow stick on the top, which is called "Hosaki". Even if it did, would be pretty steep (+80)


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Originally posted by Toque:
I can do better than that Montoya
I just took this picture from my school

here's the reverse angle of Toque's shot. I think Shin-Hodaka Onsen is in the middle, and maybe Toque's city is in the upper right(?).

we brought along some tennis shoes to use around the hut-area. that's what we used to climb Hosaki.

999 posts. just 1 more to 1000. only took me 4 years..

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That's a really good shot Montoya

Can see lots of nice mountains. Yakedake, Norikura and even Ontake.

I'm going to climb Kasa tomorrow which is just out of the picture on the right.


That is ShinHotaka

And that is my town in the upper right. Usually to hazy to see it

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Originally posted by Miss Haversham:
Nice pictures. What kind of place is that reddish/brown hut?
It's a leprosy hospital

Very big. I've read that it can hold up to 600 or 700 people. Opens around the end of April and stays open till round now
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Not sure where to put this, but just noticed that the Warp guys from Gunma are running a tour at Tateyama this month (19,20,21). We see them all the time at Kagura, they are pretty cool guys (Shin-kun, Ken-kun):





Serreche, if you want to check out photos of Tanigawa-dake, they have lots of pics here (look for 谷川):


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yeah, wasn't planning to take a tour with them, just wanted to say they are good guys, say hello to them if you see'em there. I don't think they are going to hit the same steep lines as you guys though.


that Fattwins tour sounds inviting, too bad we are just too busy this month..

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Montoya, thanks for the links and for the pointer with regards to the Japanese characters. Yes these guys have some nice pictures. I could not see really well from the pics, but seems nobody takes a direct line under Tanigawa-dake face but rather goes for the side routes. I wonder if it is because it slides too much, or is it too icy, or way steeper than it looks. Anyway, we'll have to find out for ourselves this season! happyglass.gif


I think I remember seeing these guys at Kagura. They had a fairly large group with them... I must say I am not into large groups myself.


Nice to see some brown over honshu on the snow map.


FT, Toque, looks like you are gonna have some good conditions on Tateyama when you go there.

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I should be either getting it this coming week or ordering it this coming week. It should be a wide 187 (not a swallowtail). If this deal falls through I will probably go with a 193.


Not sure how I will fit it in the top gondola in Kagura. Will have to figure out a way. in the old days when I started snowboarding before it became even remotely well-known, they did not have the appropriate racks in the cabins to carry them, so I had to go in the small cabins with my board and let the cabin door close on it. Maybe I can do the same in Kagura or put the board in the cabin they use to carry equipement. Might not be very convenient. Will see how it works out. confused.gif

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