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I don't know the pipe kids, but pow borders that I know are: Tamai Taro, Takaku Tomoki, Sheesa to name a few. I am sure there are many around.

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I have a good Japanese friend who lives just to the south of Nagano and he's the best snowboarder I know.


He is awesome.


Nickname "Shou-pi-kun" - anyone heard of him?

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Off the top of the head, but the freestylers include (first names first)


Yuji Yamazaki, Haku Suzuki, Rio (pronounced Rye-Oh) Tahara, Takaharu Nakai, Daisuke Murakami.


Girls: Michiyo Hashimoto, Yoko Miyake

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Jp boy rider,Takaharu Nakai is really sick kid. I have seen his ride on the slopes few days, his ride is really really really CRAZY & SICK but really really stylish. (Even Tina Basich, SIMS Intl'snowboarder from USA, had kept saying that Nakai's ride = crazy! when she was here in March) He is one of COOL teenager rider from JAPAN. I am look forward to seeing his ride in Olympic games again.

Also I met a Japanese-version-of-Shuan White in Nigata.... Oh god, I forgot his name!! but he is really young, he is only Jr. High kid, but he already Pro-rider and he is really really really good for pipes.


Jp female rider, Tomo Yamakoshi. She is really sweet rider. I spent time with her for couple days, she is really really sweet. Speak beautiful English, always consider people around her and she loves knitting. She is really small, smaller than I (I am avarage in Japan), but her riding is soo big & solid. She is soo cool.

And also Michiyo Hashimoto and Kaoru Yaguchi. These grils are soo cool too.


But many cool Japanese riders are often riding in out side of Japan... (except 'Young blood' who gotta go to school in Jp) Whatta shame...



[This message has been edited by Nat (edited 15 May 2002).]

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