Ocean11 0 Posted March 16, 2002 Share Posted March 16, 2002 They seem to be changing already. Maybe they're just cutting back on patrol staff, because I ride off piste nearly all the time, and haven't been chased once. BTW, did anybody hear about the skier killed at Nozawa yesterday? Apparently hit/got hit by a fallen tree. But he wasn't a dangerous boarder so the local news didn't see fit to report more than that a skier died. Anybody know any details? SJG guys? Link to post Share on other sites
Ski Japan Guide 0 Posted March 16, 2002 Share Posted March 16, 2002 We hadn't heard about that Ocean, but will see what we can find out.... Link to post Share on other sites
oo 1 Posted March 17, 2002 Share Posted March 17, 2002 I think they are cutting back on staff you know - especially towards the end of the season. Went to Kagura yesterday and saw almost no patrol at all. Had no problems with them moaning at us. Link to post Share on other sites
white-void 0 Posted May 11, 2002 Share Posted May 11, 2002 Quote: i've worked at two resorts - smaller resorts and talked with alot of people. The resorts do just fine. Bringing up an old topic again here, but I was just re-reading and this caught my eye. Barok - which resorts did you work for and what did you do? I presume that was not in Japan? Link to post Share on other sites
wakaran 1 Posted May 16, 2002 Share Posted May 16, 2002 I can't understand how some of the people posting messages above can begin to believe that the resorts do not think about how they can maximise their revenues. They have surely thought about so many options open to them and so they: - either could not open up more of their slopes for some reason; or - they decided against it for business reasons. There you go. Link to post Share on other sites
Ocean11 0 Posted May 16, 2002 Share Posted May 16, 2002 So, wakaran, it's your opinion that everything that goes on in this country is the result of careful consideration then is it? (This is the country that thought it was a good idea to destroy a handful of US ships at Pearl Harbor because it was losing the war in China...) Look, when I go down the closed run at Wada Toge time and time again, and hit the kickers built on it, they keep saying 'Yappari yokunakatta desho?' That's because they've got cement in their heads, not because they've thought it all through. And what about the Double Black Diamond Club in Hakuba. One resort drops it, and another picks it up. Guess which resort I'm going to pay to go to, all things being equal? Link to post Share on other sites
wakaran 1 Posted May 16, 2002 Share Posted May 16, 2002 You just don't get it do you? Unable to look beyond your own blinkered thinking. Sad. Link to post Share on other sites
Ocean11 0 Posted May 16, 2002 Share Posted May 16, 2002 It's not blinkered thinking at all. Here you have an industry with a rapidly declining customer base, and what seems to be a very primitive marketing mix by other countries' standards, and you want to portray this sorry state of affairs as the result of smart business thinking. Do you never stop to wonder why this country's economy is in such a pitiful state whenever you come away from some service or transaction and think 'well sh!t, that could've been a lot better'? Bet you don't. Your handle suits you well. Link to post Share on other sites
wakaran 1 Posted May 16, 2002 Share Posted May 16, 2002 Hey, blinky! Maybe you should own a resort. Or own a big Japanese company? Or run the country? Or something that fits the considerable talents you obviously have!! Let's doing! I have a monstrous and very popular "handle", thank you very much. Link to post Share on other sites
xxx 2 Posted May 21, 2002 Share Posted May 21, 2002 Hey wakaran, Do you have any good constructive ideas of your own then? Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted May 27, 2002 Share Posted May 27, 2002 However much I may disagree with some policies, I always pretty much thought that Japanese resorts were up front about their policies - as you can see from the signs up at the resorts. As such, I don't see it as double standards at all. R Link to post Share on other sites
AsterG 0 Posted October 3, 2002 Share Posted October 3, 2002 That didn't work did it. Another great post, I'm looking forward to the season and checking it all out. Link to post Share on other sites
IceEiji 0 Posted October 23, 2002 Share Posted October 23, 2002 How do you see the marketing mix for the resorts here in Japan then Ocean11? I'm interested to hear what you think of it. AsterG? Curious name! Too many sweaty sports? Link to post Share on other sites
Ocean11 0 Posted October 23, 2002 Share Posted October 23, 2002 Marketing mix? There isn't one! It's "Build it and they will come". And if they don't, try and make it cheaper. And if they still don't, give up and close down. Consideration of the product and promotion aspects is almost non-existent. Are they doing anything to ask people what they want? Not much, if at all. Certainly with all the red fences around, they're telling the customer what they expect the customer to do. There's very little attempt at differentiation either - nearly all the places I've been to have the same sort of food, the same sort of facilities, the same lack of anywhere secure to put your board, the same plastic matting in the bogs. Promotion is pretty much a matter of slapping a 1,000 yen coupon in the kinds of newspaper that are read mostly by farmers, or having moderately dishonest posters up at railway stations. But hey! They've got it right anyway. Some people love that. At least that's what some of 'em are saying. Link to post Share on other sites
miteyak 0 Posted October 23, 2002 Share Posted October 23, 2002 At Sunalpina Kashimari... classic example of why I love ropes and netting. When their advanced (OB) runs are roped off, they're fantastic, deep, steep powder all night long. When patrol removes the ropes, they become, after about an hour, like any other run. Please, resorts, my message to you, rope off as much steep terrain as you can, save the powder...por moi. Link to post Share on other sites
fukdane 2 Posted October 27, 2002 Share Posted October 27, 2002 miteyak, you want it all to yourself do you? Link to post Share on other sites
talisker 0 Posted October 27, 2002 Share Posted October 27, 2002 deary me ocean that is a little naive isnt it? Link to post Share on other sites
miteyak 0 Posted October 27, 2002 Share Posted October 27, 2002 Yes please. Link to post Share on other sites
Ocean11 0 Posted October 27, 2002 Share Posted October 27, 2002 'I am sixteen going on seventeen, I know I'm quite naive' tralalaa Go on then talisker you old sophisticate, explain why so. You did such a sterling job of pointing out why the JET program was good for Japan and good for talisker, so perhaps you can also explain how the Japanese resort industry is also just the right thing for the job. Link to post Share on other sites
talisker 0 Posted October 28, 2002 Share Posted October 28, 2002 For your info ocean I dont think JET is good and Japan was good for me not JET. Why do I think you are being naive? I have worked closely with a number of ski fields on various projects and they are not what you suggest they are. Once again you are making a broad sweep based on limited facts and knowledge. I dont think resorts are doing a great job but I am not about to tar them all with one brush. There are many resorts who are tailoring there product to consumer demand with great success. Of course there are ski resorts which still have their head in the powder, but not all. Finally, Ocean, the fact that you think I support JET goes to show quite clearly that whatever I type here will be ignored and you will simply rant on about something that you want to say. Maybe it might be an idea to think about the bigger picture.... Link to post Share on other sites
Ocean11 0 Posted October 28, 2002 Share Posted October 28, 2002 talisker, why are you always so tight-fisted with your pearls of wisdom? >I have worked closely with a number of ski fields on various projects and they are not what you suggest they are. OK, so what are they then? There's no need to be so inscrutable if you actually have a point... And again; > There are many resorts who are tailoring there product to consumer demand with great success. Details lad, details. For someone who insists so much on the facts of the matter and knowing about the important exceptions, you're not providing anything useful. > goes to show quite clearly that whatever I type here will be ignored and you will simply rant on about something that you want to say Thanks for the character sketch talisker, but until you actually type anything of substance, I have no choice but to ignore it. Notice how you rant on here saying 'Naive Naive!' without anything at all to back up your assertions. So, what 'various projects' have you worked on? With what 'great success'? How did you read the 'consumer demand'? > Once again you are making a broad sweep based on limited facts and knowledge. Again, thanks for your insight into my character, but as with the JET thing too, just because you have been directly involved doesn't automatically make what you believe any more valid, especially if you never apply any analysis to your experience. So, you have chosen to call me naive, and offered a load of other hogwash about me as an alternative to an effective argument. Now let's have your reasoning that suggests the resorts are in fact masters of the marketing mix. Otherwise, yes, I will ignore what little you've said so far. Link to post Share on other sites
Ocean11 0 Posted October 28, 2002 Share Posted October 28, 2002 Oh, and talisker, I notice how you ducked out of the AET thread after I asked you some pointed and very specific questions. I guess maybe you were too busy reading Kumar and Day to prepare for your next marketing survey. Research, research... Link to post Share on other sites
talisker 0 Posted October 28, 2002 Share Posted October 28, 2002 The reason I "ducked out of" the AET thread was it became apparent that you don't listen. I was asked to stay on ias a JET in whatever capacity I chose - I was given a blank page. I just chose to give you the attantion you deserve. There are a number of resorts who are coping with lack of snow and a downturn in the economy by offering something else for the skier/boarder. There are plenty of resorts rethinking there marketing to cope with lower snow falls and a downturn in the economy. Once again Ocean you are assumming that I am disagreeing with you - wrong. I take exception to your generalisations. There is no "resorts are great/resorts are bad". Some are good some are bad - it is that simple. I am not going to tell you the details of projects I have worked on - that isn't the issue - for ever good example I give you will dig up some bad one and then it becomes a pissing contest which quite frankly you would win because I have better things to do with my time. Quote: Now let's have your reasoning that suggests the resorts are in fact masters of the marketing mix I didnt say they were! You are assuming I am adopting an opposite stance - I am opposing your blinkered thinking, and blatant refusal to see anything other than your own view. As for character sketching Ocean, there is nothing I could say that you haven't said yourself plenty of times in your own posts. Link to post Share on other sites
Ocean11 0 Posted October 28, 2002 Share Posted October 28, 2002 I'm sure many are desperately rethinking their approach. All I'm saying is that the ones I've been to seem to be doing so invisibly. There's no ignorant generalization there. I'd love to go to the resorts that you have helped remake, but seeing as you're too modest to reveal which ones they might be, that's a closed avenue. But don't let that stop you with your little insinuations. I suggest if you're simply too busy to contribute anything interesting to a forum, you stick to whatever is making you busy. Quitter... Link to post Share on other sites
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