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Hi deebee


Been reading all your posts with interest. heres a question. It's hardly mid December, but you must have already spent a FORTUNE on everything?!!?


Do you have a "balance sheet"??? \:D

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Yep, set up costs are not cheap! But to be honest i have not spent anymore than an expat would hitting roppongi 2 times a week, which i don't. I lived an extraordinarily hard and wild lifestyle is Sydney for years. Saw and did some utterly mad stuff, very extreme, stuff you will never see in a movie. Cost a fortune. So this snowboardthing is fantastic, I am having a great time, seeing some scenery I never expected to see and get a huge buzz.


i plan to land one of those backflips by the end of the season, that way something in life is still extreme in return for all the money.



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I reckon deebee is already a pretty good surfer so he will probably learn snowboarding much faster than most. Whether he can do a backflip by the end of the season is uncertain but I certainly wouldn't bet against it.

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lets keep in mind that here is only about a 50% chance that I will even entertain the idea seriously and then only a 10% chance that i would even try it. But eating boots sounds interesting, and after he is done I could sell him my ThirtyTwos!

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Back flips are not hard to do, just hard to convince yourself to try, if DB finds a nise jump into pow and trys to do it I have no dought that he would get it after a couple of attempts. It is also pretty hard to do damage to yourself into steep pow - even head first.

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If deebee can get to the point where he is landing backflips in his first season than he deserves to see me do it. But I have never seen anyone even get good enough to consistently land good air in their first season. Of course I have never know anyone that has ridden 50 days in season one. Anyway, you've got a ton of zeal deebs. I am rooting for you.


malamute.jpg saltpep.jpg

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Originally posted by enderzero:
...get to the point where he is landing backflips in his first season....

....enough to consistently land good air
Hang on, boot-muncher, I highlight the plural backflips plus the word 'consistently'.

All I need to do is land one.
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ender, your boots look awfully unpalatable.

You might get deebee to let you off with eating mine - they're very soft and 'shittori'.


It might also be wise to start setting conditions like 'no backflip's off raised lips', and 'backflip followed by 10 m of stable riding', you know, hedge a bit.


Do you have a good dentist?

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