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Ya know....I wish I could say I "understand" but really I don't. This forum was the only place that I could talk to folks about not only skiing but living our lives in Japan. It had a nice family at

Wow. I'm gutted. I've really enjoyed the community we had going here over the years. Productivity at work is surely going to go up. I'd be fine with my email going onto a contact list of some sort

Obviously this has not been an easy decision, but it is one that we always come back to being the correct one. We feel the need to move SnowJapan further forward and onwards and there are many th

Here's my bit of honesty.

If lots of people had not just been "take-take", and actually spent small amounts of time giving something back -- see Giveaways, posting reports etc -- then the SJ folk may have felt that it was worth continuing to devote almost every living hour of their lives to it.

People will probably realise that they took it all for granted and how much they miss it.

I must add that this is just my own opinion and not based on any comments coming from the people involved at all.

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Ya...agreed, I was up for a silver or gold star membership status system. I pay it on other forums that I frequent just to help out those who are working so hard to keep them going. What's $30 ~ $50 a year for something you use frequently and enjoy being a part of... That is of course in addition to trip reports, pictures, and giveaway writeups..

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How are you ever going to get lots of people to pay money to use something they have used for free, when most of those people won't even post photos from the trips that they go to using free tickets provided by said free service?


It just isn't reality. Maybe for some, not for many.

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  • SnowJapan Admin

I want to avoid discussion and dissection of issues like that here, as we have that many times before.

Perhaps worth pointing out that this decision has got absolutely nothing to do with money.

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Just to quickly address Klingon's point...and then I'll leave it alone.


If you go to the ih8mud forums for Landcruiser fans... you will see that while the forums are free so much information is presented by forum members that people feel compelled to contribute. Of the huge number of members on the site I would say 40~50% contibute.


There is hope for humanity.. ;)

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Sad news, Dave & Andrew, but wish the best for you. Thanks for a lot of fun and entertainment over the years and apologies for not contributing more myself.

And regards and best to all the forums characters out there. If you see a scruffy old fart with short white hair in a Tokyo bar (especially the Naka Meg Taproom) some evening, or an inept skier with an orange or yellow (not sure which it'll be this season) jacket and bright blue pants, and probably a red mountain hardware cap, yell ``SJ''

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  • SnowJapan Admin

Thank you again for the comments, both here and offline in emails etc.

Support is really appreciated and it is really great to hear what our site (in general) means to so many people. Thank you.   :)

Unfortunately some folk don't seem to be able to resist posting stuff that we do not feel is appropriate for this thread (deleted), so now seems to be the time to close it and start to move on.

If you want to contact us, please do via the usual methods.

Look out for the daily reports for the upcoming season to click into daily gear once the snow starts and those lifts start moving. Here's to a great winter season!

Thank you very much.

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